HONDA Accord Accessory HandsFreeLink 2008 User Manual

Page 13

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Clear Paired Phones

You must clear a paired phone from Accessory HFL
in order to remove it from being paired. Accessory
HFL will respond with “Phone not available” if you
attempt to use a previously cleared phone to make
a call. If you make a mistake during the clearing
process or decide not to clear a phone, press the
Accessory HFL PHONE button or the VR button
and say “Cancel” to exit the clearing mode. To re-
prioritize cell phones you must first clear the
phone(s) paired with Accessory HFL and then pair
the phones again with the new desired priorities.


If you are not currently in a VR session or on a
phone call, press and release the PHONE
button and say “Set up.” Otherwise, go to the
main menu and say “Set up.”


Say “Phone pairing.”


After Accessory HFL prompts you, say “Delete
a phone.”



Accessory HFL prompts you for the number
associated with the priority of the phone you
would like to clear. For example, say “One” for
“Jacob’s phone,” say “Two” for “Robin’s mobile.”
Say the number of the phone you wish to


Accessory HFL responds with a verification to
clear the selected phone. If correct, say “Yes”
(say “No” to start the delete process over


When complete, Accessory HFL indicates that
the phone or phones have been “Deleted.”