Sizing – Honeywell PERFECT WINDOW HR200 User Manual
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There are several methods that can provide
satisfactory results for sizing a ventilator to provide
adequate ventilation for a home. There is a new
residential ventilation standard, ASHRAE 62.2, that
suggests the following:
7.5 CFM per person (count people as 1 per
bedroom plus 1) plus 1 CFM per 100 sq. ft.
2200 sq. ft. house with 4 bedrooms
= (7.5 CFM x (4 bedrooms + 1)) + (1 CFM x (2200 sq. ft. / 100))
= (7.5 x 5) + (2200 / 100)
= 37.5 + 22
= 59.5 CFM
In this case 60 CFM continuous would provide
satisfactory ventilation for this home.
Some regions still use the previous standard, ASHRAE
62.1, as the code for ventilation in their region.
The ASHRAE Standard 62.1 Ventilation for Acceptable
Indoor Air Quality suggests the following:
.35 air changes per hour (ach) but not less than 15
cfm per person for living areas = house size (sq ft)
x ceiling height (ft) / 60 (min) x.35 (ach)
= 2000 sq ft x 8 ft / 60 min x .35 ach = 93 cfm
50 cfm intermittent or 20 cfm continuous capacity
for bathrooms
50 cfm intermittent x 3 bathrooms = 150 cfm
20 cfm continuous x 3 bathrooms = 60 cfm
100 cfm intermittent or 25 cfm continuous capacity
for kitchens
100 cfm intermittent x 1 kitchen = 100 cfm
25 cfm continuous x 1 kitchen = 25 cfm
Option 1:
Fresh Air Ventilation System provides
continuous fresh air supply of 93 cfm, and intermittent
capacity for bathrooms of 150 cfm. A separate 100
cfm exhaust fan is used for the range hood.
Supply air flow required = 93 cfm
Exhaust air flow required = 150 cfm
Any Honeywell ventilation unit provides suitable
ventilation capacity. See Fig. 22.
Option 2:
Fresh Air Ventilation System provides
continuous 93 cfm fresh air supply, 150 cfm
intermittent exhaust capacity for bathrooms and
continuous 50 cfm kitchen ventilation.
Supply air flow required = 93 cfm
Exhaust air flow required = 200 cfm
Honeywell HR200/ER200 have the exhaust capacity
required to meet the ventilation needs of this
application. See Fig. 22.
HR150, 200; ER150, 200 Perfect Window™ Fresh Air Ventilation Systems 68-0171—12