Haan Floor Sanitizer SI-35 User Manual
Page 18

pg 16 877-HAAN DIRECT / 877-422-6347
QUEStiOn: the HAAn Floor Sanitizer is leaving my floor
wet. Why and what can i do about it?
The Ultra-Microfiber pad may need to be changed. For
optimal performance, the pad should be changed after 10
minutes of use.
QUEStiOn: How long can you use an Ultra-Microfiber
Pad before it needs to be changed?
The pad should be changed every 10 minutes, or when it
becomes saturated with water. The machine will become
harder to push smoothly on the floor when the pad is
QUEStiOn: How long does a tank of water last?
A full tank will last approximately 20-25 minutes.
QUEStiOn: Sometimes my floor sanitizer becomes hard
to push – why?
If the unit is hard to push it is likely because the Ultra-
Microfiber Pad is too wet or the angle at which you are using
the machine is too high. The lower the handle, the easier the
floor sanitizer is to push across the floor.
QUEStiOn: Do i have to use distilled water in my HAAn
floor sanitizer?
We recommend distilled water, but you may use tap water,
unless you have hard water in your area. Using hard water
will shorten the life of your appliance.