Course projection line, Export all nav data, Delete all nav data – Humminbird 531427-1_D User Manual
Page 77
Course Projection Line
Course Projection Line allows you to display or hide an arrow
extending from the bow of the boat that projects your current course, and shows where the boat
will go if you continue on your present course.
To change the Course Project Line setting:
1. Highlight Course Projection Line on the Navigation main menu.
2. Use the LEFT or RIGHT 4-WAY Cursor Control keys to change the Course Projection Line
setting (Hidden, Visible, Default = Hidden)
Export All Nav Data
Export All Nav Data allows you to export all saved Tracks, Waypoints and Routes to an MMC/SD
card. The Export All Nav Data menu choice is only available when User Mode is set to Advanced
(see Setup Menu Tab: User Mode).
To Export All Navigation Data:
1. Make sure you are in Advanced User Mode, and that an optional-purchase MMC/SD card
is installed in the slot, then highlight Export All Nav Data on the Navigation main menu.
2. Use the RIGHT 4-WAY Cursor Control key to export all navigation data. A
confirmation dialog box will appear to allow you to change your mind, and to
confirm your choice. If no MMC card is installed, and error message will be displayed.
Insert the MMC card and try again.
Delete All Nav Data
Delete All Nav Data allows you to delete all saved Tracks, Waypoints and Routes. This menu
choice should be used with caution. The Delete All Nav Data menu choice is only available when
User Mode is set to Advanced (see Setup Menu Tab: User Mode).
To Delete All Navigation Data:
1. Make sure you are in Advanced User Mode, then highlight Delete All Nav Data on the
Navigation main menu.
2. Use the RIGHT 4-WAY Cursor Control key to delete all navigation data.