Hubbell Electric Heater Company MSE User Manual
Page 9
On/Off Switch
A built-in non-fused On/Off disconnect switch may be supplied with the control panel to disconnect
power to the control panel control and power circuit wiring.
Individually Fused Elements
To prevent the possibility of damage to circuits and elements in case of electrical overloads, fuses may
be supplied for each circuit. Two types of fuses may be used; a type NON for voltages less than 250-volt
or type JJS for voltages less than 600-volt.
Type JJS
Type NON
Built-in Circuit Breaker
A built-in circuit breaker may be provided with or without shunt trip protection for protection from
circuit overload.
Electro-Mechanical Timer
An electro-mechanical 7-day time clock with battery back-up may be supplied for specific timing
operations. A set of instructions will be supplied with the timer.