Harbor Freight Tools 66906 User Manual
Page 6

SKU 66906
For technical questions, please call 1-800-444-3353. Page 6
prepare, pre-treat, and/or pre-cook the food to be used in the Dehydrator.
Preparation depends on the type of food to be dried. Some food will need to have
the outer layer peeled before dehydration.
pre-treating: Fruits and Vegetables
The enzymes that are responsible for color, flavor and texture, change during the
life of the produce. This process will continue during drying and storage unless the
activity is slowed down. The following information offers some methods which you
may choose to use to impact this process.
Plunge the fruit or vegetables into boiling water for one or two minutes. Place
in ice water to cool. Blot to remove excess moisture before drying.
Steam Blanch:
Use steam for about four (4) minutes and then place in ice water to cool. Blot
to remove excess moisture before drying.
Fruit Dip:
Plunge the fruit into lemon or pineapple juice for two to three minutes. Blot and
place on the tray. You may also use lime juice, orange juice, honey or gelatin.
Sodium Bisulfate:
Use a USP (United States Pharmacopeia) grade of this solution. Dissolve one
teaspoon in one quart of water. This will help to maintain the food’s natural color.
Blot to remove excess moisture before drying.
precooking: meat
WARnIng! This unit is to be used only on meat that has been pre-cooked
properly. This unit will nOT heat raw meats enough to kill the bacteria and
other pathogens present. Steam, roast, or otherwise heat all pieces of meat to
an internal temperature of at least 160° F (165° F for poultry).
Refer to the usDA’s website for additional food safety tips:
More than one type of food may be placed on each tray. However, do not mix meat
and fruits/vegetables on the same tray or place a tray with meat over a tray with
fruits/vegetables. Do not overlap food or overload trays.
note: When the unit is
plugged in, it’s warming element will constantly be on. When you are finished,
unplug the unit to turn it off.
After the food is arranged on a tray, do not place on the base yet. STACK UP AND
Plug the unit into an electrical wall outlet, and allow the unit to preheat for approxi-
mately 5 minutes.