Honeywell TE322ELW User Manual

Page 4

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• Remove the batteries from the main unit and reinstall

them in the same manner.

• On the main unit select the same channel number using

CHANNEL button as set on the remote sensor. The

remote temperature appeared on the main unit’s display

will show that transmission is being received successfully.


Signals from the other household devices such as wireless

doorbells, home security systems, and entry control, may

interfere with this product or cause temporary reception

interruption. This is normal and will not affect the general

performance of the product. The transmission and

reception of the temperature and humidity readings will

resume once the interference subsides.


The NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology)

radio station (WWVB) is located in Ft. Collins, Colorado.

It transmits an exact time signal continuously throughout

the most of the continental United States at 60 KHz frequency.

The Long-Range Weather Forecaster can receive this

WWVB signal through the internal antenna from up to

2,000 miles away. Due to the nature of the Earth’s ionosphere,

reception can be limited during the daylight hours. The radio

controlled clock will search for an alternate station that

receives the atomic time signal from the NIST Atomic clock

in Boulder, Colorado.

The WWVB tower icon on the unit’s display will flash

indicating a radio signal reception from the WWVB

station. If the tower icon is not fully lit, or if the time and

date are not set automatically, please consider the


• During night-time hours, atmospheric disturbances are

typically less severe and radio signal reception may

improve. A single daily reception is sufficient enough to

keep the clock accuracy within 1 second.

• Make sure the unit is positioned at 8 feet (2 meters)

distance from any interference source such as a TV,

computer monitor, microwave, etc.

• Within concrete wall rooms such as basements or office

buildings, the received signal may be weakened. Always

place the Weather Forecaster near the window for better



Immediately after establishing communication between the

main unit and remote sensor, the atomic time signal receiver

will open and start to search for the atomic time signal.

The search usually takes between 5-8 minutes.

NOTE: Do not press any buttons on the main unit during

auto search as it may interrupt product’s operation,

and you will need to start set up procedure again.

Once the atomic time signal is received, the date and time

will be set automatically, and the [ ] icon will appear.

NOTE: It is necessary to set your Time Zone, having in

mind that the default zone is a US Pacific Standard

Time (PST). (Refer to MANUAL SETTINGS section)

If the time signal has not been received in 8 minutes, you

may use the MODE button to set the time and date

manually. (Refer to the MANUAL SETTINGS section).

After the clock is set manually, place the Weather

Forecaster by the window for the better reception. The

atomic clock receiver is programmed that it will continue

to search for the atomic time signal daily for every hour

between 1:00 am and 4:30 am.

Once the time signal has been successfully received, the

time and date will be updated automatically.


The Long-Range Weather Forecaster displays current time

in two display modes – in hour-minutes-seconds format

and in hour-minutes-day.

The date is displayed in month-date format.


It is necessary to set the desired US TIME ZONE.


• Press MODE button once so that the Day of the Week

abbreviation is displayed to the right of the time; for

example: pm 2:37tu

• Select the Time Zone by pressing and holding UP ( )

button for 3 seconds

• Keep holding UP ( ) button until the desired US Time

Zone (Pacific, Mountain, Central or Eastern) is highlighted

on the display’s US map, located to the right of the time

display and above the day of the week

• Release the UP ( ) button. The Time Zone is set


• Press and hold MODE button for 3 seconds: the year

will flash. Press UP ( ) or DOWN ( ) to change

flashing digits.

• After the year is set, press MODE button to confirm and

move to the next parameter (month)

• Continue setting month, date, hour, minutes, language

for the day of the week and temperature in Fahrenheit or


• Press MODE for the last time to return to the time of day

with seconds, after the last parameter is set


The Long-Range Weather Forecaster has two time alarms –

Weekday alarm (W) and Single day alarm(S) - and one Ice

Warning Alarm (PRE-AL).

• If Weekday (W) alarm is activated, it will sound at the

set time and the alarm icon will flash Mondays through


• If Single (S) day alarm is activated, it will sound at the

set time and the alarm icon will flash only for this

specific day and will not activate on subsequent days

• If Ice Warning Alarm (PRE-AL) is activated, in will

sound at the set time and alarm icon will flash once the

remote temperature for Channel One (1) will reach

32°F(0°C) and below

NOTE: Ice Warning Alarm can be set only if one or

both - Weekday or Single alarm - are programmed.



• Press ALARM button once to enter into the alarms setting

mode. The default alarm is a Weekday alarm (W). The

abbreviation “OFF” with a letter “W” next to it will be

displayed, if the alarm has not been set previously

• Press and hold ALARM button for two seconds. The hour

digit will flash

• Adjust the hour using UP ( ) or DOWN ( ) buttons

• Press ALARM button again. The minute digits will flash

• Adjust the minutes using UP ( ) or DOWN ( ) buttons

• Press ALARM button again to confirm and the weekday

alarm time will be set

• Set Single (S) day alarm if desired in the same manner


If Weekday (W) or Single day (S) alarm is set, the Ice

Warning Alarm (Pre-AL) can be programmed.

• Press ALARM button once to enter into the Ice Warning

Alarm setting mode. The abbreviation OFF with a PRE-AL

next to it will be displayed.

• Press and hold ALARM button for two seconds. The

number 30 will flash, meaning that if selected, the alarm

will sound 30 minutes earlier than the Weekday or Single


• Select the desired Ice Warning Alarm interval in 15 minutes

increments between 15 and 90 minutes, using UP ( ) or

DOWN ( )buttons

• Press ALARM button to confirm and exit from the alarm

setting mode.


• Press ALARM button to enter into the desired alarm


• Press UP ( ) to activate or DOWN ( ) to deactivate

desired alarm. When alarms are activated, the corresponding

icons W, S or PRE-AL will be displayed.