Herrmidifier Co Herrmidisteam-SS User Manual

Steam-to-steam, clear and simple, Herrmidisteam-ss, Steam-to-steam humidifier

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Clear and Simple

he new Herrmidisteam-SS (steam-to-steam)

Humidifier is designed to provide 20% more “clean

steam” capacity than competitive systems. We

have accomplished this by circulating plant steam

through a specially engineered, nickel-plated

copper or stainless steel heat exchanger that gen-

erates steam in a stainless steel evaporation tank.

The resulting steam is as clean as the water that is

supplied to the unit. Our SS units are designed for

use with raw water and our DI systems can be used

with reverse osmosis or deionized water.

Our Herrmidisteam system eliminates any concern

that one might have with the potential carryover of

boiler treatment chemicals that are associated with

some conventional plant steam humidifiers.

Herrmidisteam systems are custom engineered to

assure quality, performance and long, trouble-free

service life. Optional installation configurations and

control schemes are available to meet your special

application needs.



Steam-to-Steam Humidifier

Features & Benefits

• 20% more chemical-free steam

• Compact size

• Uses available energy source

• Cleans easily

• Flexible mounting options

• Eliminates potential problems

associated with boiler treatment

• Steam pure as the water source:

DI, RO or tap

• Accepts any standard control signal

• In stock for fast shipment

• Works with CS and EST manifolds

• Stainless steel chambers on all units

• Affordable, price competitive

Herrmidisteam heats and boils clean

water into chemical-free steam to be

distributed throughout a facility.