Hasbro Cobra Flight Pod 65274/65266 User Manual

Ages 5, Cobra flight pod

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P/N 6797900000 Some poses may require hand support. Product and colors may vary. © 2008 Hasbro. All Rights Reserved. TM & ® denote U.S. Trademarks.



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1) Fire-control computer housing

2) control pod lateral handgrip Firing controls

3) shell-prooF domed Flight canopy

4) “armrest” Flight controls

5) Warlock lr-3-8 laser-seeking antitank missiles

6) ForWard range inFrared targeting sensors

7) hydraulically adjustable control console

8) positive-location command chair

9) tWin vertical-thrust high bypass ratio turboFan engines

10) high-reFlex synchronized steering rudders

11) 1xm-97 mini-cannon

12) motor-driven ForWard mini-turret

13) turbo-propulsion launching hoses

14) ForWard-Flight stabilizing ducts

15) engine synchronizer system

Peel and apply labels as shown.

65274/65266 Asst.