Home Automation SIA CP-01 User Manual

Page 13

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Confirmation Beep

When you have successfully completed a function, such as entering a program or changing a setup item, the console will beep


If you are ever unsure and wish to return to the top-level display, press the ' * ' key. You may have to press it more than once,
depending on how far into the function (menu) you are. Each time you cancel out of an operation, the console will beep once to
indicate that you have canceled.

The ' * ' key can also be used if you make a mistake while entering a number. For example, if you enter a 2 when you meant to
enter a 3, press the ' * ' key to start over.

Time Out

If you are called away from the console for any reason (to take a phone call, for instance) while you are engaged in an operation,
the console will "time out" and cancel it for you after 3 minutes. The display will return to the normal top-level display.

OmniLT Maintenance

Your OmniLT controller and the consoles are designed to require very little maintenance.

For smoke detectors, motion detectors, and other components not manufactured by HAI and follow maintenance procedures
outlined by the manufacturer.

Consoles can be cleaned using a mild detergent and a soft cloth.

Every three years, or if the "BATTERY LOW TROUBLE NOW" indication comes on and stays on for an extended period
without reason, the rechargeable battery in the controller should be replaced. The recommended battery type is a 12-volt, 7 amp-
hour sealed lead-acid battery.

To replace the battery, disconnect the red battery wire from the battery (+) terminal. Cover the connector at the end of the wire
with electrical tape to avoid its touching anything in the enclosure. Disconnect the black wire from the battery (-) terminal and
cover the connector at the end of the black wire with tape. Remove the old battery. Install the new battery by reversing the
removal procedure. Be very careful to connect the Black wire to the (-) terminal on the battery; Red wire to the (+) terminal.