Noise gate, Delay – Harmony House JT100 User Manual
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A Vibrato is an effect that modulates the frequency, or pitch of the entire incoming signal. This will take the whole signal slightly in and out of
tune at a steady pace.
- The Speed knob adjusts how fast the signal is being modulated.
- The Depth knob adjusts the amount of pitch change.
* Level
- No function
Pitch shifting is an effect that will make a copy of your incoming signal, and then shift the pitch of the copy to a different note. This results in
parallel harmony. As you play one note the pitch shifter is simultaneously playing a note higher, or lower with you. It’s like having another
guitarist in the band. The Detuner is an effect that can be added to the shifted pitch to take it slightly out of tune to make it sound more as if
it were really two guitarists playing.
- The Speed knob adjusts the interval of the pitch shifter. It will determine how far above or below the input note
the shifted pitch will be. The Pitch Shifter in the JT50 and JT100 is capable of shifting the pitch one octave up or down.
- The Depth knob adjusts the amount of detuning from 0 to - 20 cents.
* Level
- The Level adjusts the volume of the shifted pitch and detune.
* JT50 Mod/Pitch Level:
The level of the Mod/Pitch effects may be adjusted in the JT50 by pressing and holding the Tap It/Shift button
and turning the Mod Speed knob. The Tap It/Shift button will stop flashing indicating the Mod Speed knob is
now a Mod Level control. To exit the Mod Level control, press the Tap It/Shift button.
Noise Gate
The JT50/JT100 include a Noise Gate with an adjustable Threshold. A Noise Gate is used to eliminate hum and noise while you are not
playing. The Noise Gate Threshold is the only parameter available for adjustment. The Threshold is the strength, or volume level at which the
gate will open or close. When your signal exceeds the threshold, the gate will open allowing sound to be heard. When your signal falls below
the threshold, the gate closes allowing nothing to come through. The ideal setting for the threshold is to have it open as soon as you strike a
string, and close when you stop playing.
Adjusting the Gate Threshold
Press the Tap-It/Shift button. The Tap It/Shift button will stop flashing indicating the Depth/Gate knob is now a Gate Threshold.
Turning the Depth/Gate knob will change the Gate Threshold value.
Press the same Tap-It/Shift button again to exit the Gate Threshold edit mode.
Delay is an effect that will record a portion of the incoming signal and then play it back a short time later. It can repeat the recording just
once or several times. This type of effect is also referred to as an echo because it basically echoes the original signal. The Mirage JT50 and
JT100 include a crystal clear Delay Effect with up to 2.5 seconds of delay available. Two parameters associated with the delay can be edited
with the delay knobs, and the delay time can be set by using the Tap It button.
- The delay level knob adjusts the volume of the delay effect.
Delay Time -
The Delay Time can be manually adjusted by pressing the Tap It/Shift button. The Tap It/Shift button will stop
flashing indicating the Level/Time knob is now a Delay Time control. You can adjust the Delay time from a
minimum of 50 milliseconds to a maximum of 2.5 seconds. To exit the Delay Time control, press the Tap It/Shift
- The feedback knob adjusts how many times the delayed signal will repeat.
Tap It
- The tap it button is used to set the delay time, or the amount of time between repeats. Tapping this button in time with the
music will synchronize the repeats of the delay with the beat of the music.
Johnson Mirage User’s Guide Section Two - Using the JT50/JT100