Oemgetsetupmaxicode, Oemgetsetupmaxicode -29 – Hand Held Products 4X00 User Manual
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IMAGETEAM™ 4X00 Series Software Development Kit (SDK) User’s Guide
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SETUP_TYPE_CURRENT for current settings, or SETUP_TYPE_DEFAULT for default settings.
Points to a BOOL variable that contains the enabled state of this symbology upon returning from the function. A TRUE
means the symbology is enabled; a FALSE means the symbology is disabled.
Points to a WORD variable that contains the minimum length decoded Korean Post message the engine should return.
Korean Post messages smaller than this minimum length are not reported by the engine. The default value is 4.
Points to a WORD variable that contains the maximum length decoded Korean Post message the engine should return.
Korean Post messages larger than this maximum length are reported by the engine. The default value is 48.
This function is used to get the MaxiCode symbology-specific options.
oemGetSetupMaxicode (
SetupType_t SetupType,
BOOL *pEnabled,
WORD *pMinLength,
WORD *pMaxLength,
BOOL *pCarrierMsgOnly
Return Values
SETUP_TYPE_CURRENT for current settings, or SETUP_TYPE_DEFAULT for default settings.
Points to a BOOL variable that contains the enabled state of this symbology upon returning from the function. A TRUE
means the symbology is enabled; a FALSE means the symbology is disabled.
Points to a WORD variable that contains the minimum length decoded Maxicode message the engine should return.
Maxicode messages smaller than this minimum length are not reported by the engine. The default value is 1.
Points to a WORD variable that contains the maximum length decoded Maxicode message the engine should return.
Maxicode messages larger than this maximum length are reported by the engine. The default value is 150.
Points to a BOOL variable that determines if the engine will return only the Structured Carrier Message portion of the
decoded message. When TRUE, the engine only returns the Structured Carrier Message data. When FALSE, the
engine returns the entire message. The default value is FALSE.