Humminbird TS2-3 User Manual
Page 24

9. The final step is to connect the control cable and transducer to the unit. You may choose to
mount your In-Dash Sixty in a location other than in the dash. This can be accomplished with the
use of the Humminbird Bow Mount DBID. This bracket for the In-Dash allows the unit to be
mounted on any flush surface such as on the console, bow or casting deck.
The OFF-SENS knob turns the unit on and off. This SENS (sensitivity) control also adjusts the
circuit so the signal returned from the bottom is strong enough to produce a good display on the
dial. If it is set to produce too strong a signal, echoes will appear on the dial at multiples of the
water depth. This, however, should not be objectionable as long as the operator recognizes the
echoes for what they are. The sensitivity control incorporated in this depth sounder is not a linear
control. In other words, the change in sensitivity is very little for the % turn of the knob. The unit is
designed in this manner in order to allow accurate readings in water which is as little as one foot
deep. Because of this, however, it will be necessary to turn the knob to an almost fully clockwise
position in order to obtain proper operation in deeper water. This does not mean that the
sensitivity of the unit is lessened. Boat motors and other electrical devices can send out electrical
noise that may show as erratic flashes on the dial. The NOISE REJECT knob adjusts the control
head so these noise flashes cannot be seen. This knob is turned clockwise to reject noise pulses.
See page 20 for noise reject adjustment instructions.