Harbor Freight Tools 93011 User Manual
Page 10

SKU 91098
Wallpaper Stripping
Note: FIGURE 3 shows the
Steam Plate (6) connected
to the Hose (4), which is
connected to the Boiler
Unit (8).
After connecting the Steam Plate (6) accessory to the Boiler Unit (8), plug in the
Power Cord (12) and wait approximately 25 minutes for the unit to produce steam.
Warning!! Once the unit is heated, it is constantly produces steam that causes
severe burns if it comes in contact with unprotected skin. Keep children, pets,
and bystanders out of the area, and wear appropriate protective clothing. This
hot steamer can also damage property.
Hold the Steam Plate (6) flat against the wallpaper for approximately 10 seconds.
Then, move the plate immediately, to the spot next to the one just steamed. Remove
the wallpaper from the steamed section with the aid of a scraper (not included). If
the wallpaper does not easily come off, steam it for a slightly longer duration.
Wallpapers and glues vary, with some requiring longer steam sessions.
Continue operating until the water level is low (but above the “MIN” line). Then,
unplug the unit and wait a minimum of two minutes for it to cool. BEWARE of
escaping steam as you remove the Filler Cap (5). Refill the unit.
When finished, allow the unit to cool completely and then empty the unit. Always
store the unit empty.
Note: You may use this Steamer for other cleaning applications using the included
accessories. FIGURE 4 shows the Brush (1), Long Pipes (9)
and the Brush Handle (2) connected to the Hose (4) and the
Boiler Unit (8) for a typical steam cleaning operation.
To Assemble the Handle (2) and Brush (1):
Insert the Hose (4) through the Brush Handle (2) and one
Long Pipe (9). You can use the Connector (3) and a
second Long Pipe (9) to further lengthen the handle, if
desired. Screw the Hose (4) onto the Brush (1), as
shown in FIGURE 1. Then, connect the Long Pipe (9)
to the Brush (1). Refer to FIGURE 4.