Humminbird Wide View User Manual
Page 38

The Wide View contains the unique ability to be adaptable in operation to match the
experience level of the user. Users inexperienced in the operation of the Wide View should use
the factory "Normal" setting. As your experience increases, you will benefit from many of the
changes that occur when "Advanced" operating mode is selected. The selection is made in the
System Menu and affects the following:
The base screen layout is modified to
make the maximum number of vertical pixels
available for the active depth range. To
accomplish this, symbols such as Sensitivity
setting, and Fish Alarm indicators, are removed.
The number of vertical pixels used in the range
determine the units ability to separate targets
which are close together, or close to the bottom.
When the number of pixels in a given range is
increased, the distance represented by each pixel
is decreased.
When a menu adjustment is made, the
menu goes offscreen in approximately half the
normal time. Menus are abbreviated and after an
adjustment is made only a small indicator remains at the top of the screen so that you can make
quick adjustments. This lets the experienced user make adjustments, then quickly return to full-
screen viewing.
These changes are designed to make the maximum use of the available screen
resolution, and speed up operations that restrict the view of the bottom.
Wide Side Operation
Wide Side is an accessory transducer that gives your Wide View the capability of
collecting sonar information from either side of your boat. Side-looking sonar is extremely
valuable for bank fishing, or looking for bait fish in open water.
The Wide Side transducer contains 3
different elements which transmit signals to the left,
right, and straight down from your boat. The
downward beam is 200 kHz with a 24 degree area of
coverage. This beam maintains a continuous digital
depth readout from the bottom directly beneath your
boat. The side beams are 455 kHz with a 16 degree
area of coverage. These side-looking elements can
be used independently, or together to locate targets
near the surface of the water on either side of your
The Wide Side transducer is available as a
trolling motor mount, a transom mount, or a portable
Wide Side can be connected directly to your Wide View unit in place of the dual beam
transducer, or used in conjunction with a transducer switch so both transducers can be connected
to the Wide View. See Installing the Wide View for additional information.