Glossary – HONDA 2010 Element Navigation User Manual
Page 138

Navigation System
Map Matching - The received GPS
information allows the navigation
system to position the vehicle on the
map. Map matching has occurred if
screen is displaying the
current street name in the bottom-
shaded area.
Mic - Abbreviation for the microphone
used for receiving voice commands.
It is located near the map light in the
MP3 - A music file format that can be
played from a CD-R, USB thumb
drive, or PC card.
MW - Maneuver Window. While en
route to a destination, this window
displays information about the next
Navi - Abbreviation for the navigation
North Pointer - The map symbol
showing the map orientation. See
page 55.
Off Route - This occurs when the user
leaves mapped roads. Off-road
tracking dots (“breadcrumbs”) are
displayed if the option is enabled in
screen. The user can use
them to return to a mapped road. The
bottom of the navigation screen will
say, “Not on a digitized road.”
Outlying Areas - These are rural areas
that typically have only their main
roads mapped. All other roads are
shown in light brown for reference
only, since they have not been
PC Card - An adaptor card (sometimes
called a PCMCIA card) that can
contain a compact flash, or SD media
clip with MP3 or WMA music files.
PIN - Personal Identification Number.
A 4-digit number created by the
customer to protect personal
POI - Point of Interest. These are the
businesses, schools, etc. found under
option on the
destination by
screen. See page 31.
Polygon - Colored areas on the
screen denoting parks, schools, etc.
See Map Screen Legend “Map
Features” for a list of the assigned
colors. See page 50.
QWERTY - Keyboard layout
resembling the typewriter keys. The
keyboard layout can be changed to an
alphabetical layout in the Setup,
Basic Settings
Reminder - Automatic “pop-up”
Calendar message. See Calendar on
page 70.
Secure Digital (SD) Media - These can
be installed into a PCMCIA adaptor
to play MP3 or WMA music files.
Security Code - Code needed to
activate the navigation system or
audio unit. See Entering the Security
Code on page 97.
Touch Sensor - The touch sensor on the
front of the LCD consists of a touch
sensitive resistive membrane with an
infinite number of possible touch
locations. The sensing locations are
confined to a grid of 20 vertical and
10 horizontal touch locations.