Hypertec Automatic Backup System CMS ABS User Manual
Disaster reco ve ry, Hyper tec, Automatic backup system

Automatic Backup & Disaster Recovery System
The award winning CMS ABS is the only true Automatic Backup System on the market today. Just plug it in and the
ABS automatically initiates a complete backup of the computerÊs hard drive, including all documents, applications,
and operating system files to create a fully bootable drive. Subsequent unencrypted, uncompressed backups are
incremental, only copying altered or new files.
All data is backed up in its original file format, allowing easy and fast data access and sharing.
Enterprise software allows for up to 2:1 file compression and powerful AES data encryption with custodial key
access to encrypted files. Encrypted or compressed backups are not incremental, allowing multiple versions of
your encrypted or compressed files to be safely stored.
Ć Automatic - Just plug it in and go!
Ć Disaster Recovery - Instant recovery even from a complete disk failure
Ć Multi-purpose - Use for backup, disaster recovery, or mobile external storage
Ć Easy Access - Data stored in native format
Ć Fast Access - Up to 480Mb/s data transfer speed
Ć Enterprise version now available, with up to 2x compression & AES encryption
Ć PC & Mac compatible.
Disaster Reco
Automatic Backup
Available from:
Hypertec Ltd
2 Swangate, Charnham Park, Hungerford, Berks, RG17 0YX
t: 0870 243 5603 f: 0870 243 5604
w: www.hypertec.co.uk
Ć Fast
Performs an incremental backup at every connection.
Backups take minutes, not hours, with USB2.0 or FireWire interfaces.
Ć Disaster Recovery
ABS drive can replace drive in machine if that fails: an immediate fix.
Ć Quick & Easy Restore
Choose to restore single of multiple files or an entire drive.
Ć Storage
Increase storage capabilities with up to 2:1 compression
Ć Protection
Protect data with powerful AES 128 or AES 256 encryption
Ć Security
Split key management for added security
*Enterprise version required