Reset operation – Hasbro Clueless Organizer 71-533 User Manual

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Press the UP, DOWN, LEFT and RIGHT ARROWS to

make the calculator divide, add, multiply and

subtract. The label shows the function matched with

each button.
Press AC to clear the display and memory in the

c a l c u l a t o r .
Press ENTER to make a selection when the Clueless

Organizer asks you to. In the calculator, use ENTER

for the equal sign(=).
Press the ON key to access the CLOCK/ALARM

feature. Press ENTER and the entire menu is

s h o w n .
Press the OFF key to turn off menu icons.
Note: The clock, day and date will always remain

on the screen for quick reference.

Reset Operation:

- By pressing the RESET button, you can delete

all the data previously entered. A message on

screen will ask you, CLEARALL?Y/N.
By pressing Y(yes) all data will be deleted, N(no)

will return you to the clock display screen.

- Be sure to press the

RESET button before

you use the Clueless

Organizer for the first

time and after

replacing batteries.