Preliminary – HONDA 2-DOOR DX User Manual

Page 7

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© 2005 American Honda Motor Co., Inc. - All Rights Reserved.

AII 31246-31447 (0511)

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10. Remove and discard the evapo-dummy.

11. Next to the evaporator housing against the front

bulkhead, locate and remove the floor insulator
plug, which reveals a rubber plug in the front
bulkhead. Remove the rubber plug by pushing on
the plug. Discard the floor insulator plug and the
rubber plug.

12. Below the evaporator housing, under the carpet,

locate and remove the floor insulator plug for the
drain hose. Discard the insulator plug. Remove
and discard the rubber plug in the floor.

13. Get the drain hose and the drain hose clip from

the kit. Attach the drain hose clip to the drain hose
with the tab ends at the white line on the hose.

14. On the bottom of the evaporator housing, remove

and discard the drain-spout plug. Install the drain
hose with the clamp to the drain-spout, and route
the opposite side out through the hole in the floor.
Seat the grommet from the drain hose into the
hole in the floor. Check that the hose is not

15. Get the evaporator and the lower evaporator cover

from the kit. Assemble the evaporator and the
lower evaporator cover, and ensure that the temp
sensor clip(s) are secure in the fins. Insert the
evaporator & cover assembly into the evaporator
housing until it bottoms out. Assure that the
expansion valve (still with cover) is aligned in the
center of the hole in the bulkhead.

16. Route the temperature sensor wire from the

evaporator rearward, and reinstall the evaporator
cover with the temperature sensor wire routed
through the notch in the cover. Reattach the 4-pin
power transistor connector to the evaporator
housing cover.

17. Locate the connector for the evaporator

temperature sensor, blue-taped to the vehicle
harness. Remove the blue tape to free the
connector. Connect the temperature sensor, and
clip the connector to the hole in the evaporator

18. Get the pollen filter and cover from the kit.

Remove and discard the cover from the blower
motor (two clips). Install the pollen filter and cover
into the blower motor. Observe the arrows on the
filter and cover to install properly.

19. Reinstall the blower motor, and reattach the 14-pin

wire harness blower motor harnesses and clip to
the blower motor.

20. Reinstall the passenger heater duct, and install

the wire harness clip.

21. Reinstall passenger dashboard under cover.

22. Reinstall the glove box lower frame A and the

glove box.