Holux 236B User Manual

Page 14

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GPSlim236B Wireless Bluetooth GPS Receiver Manual


5.3. Installation of testing program

(GPSViewer.exe is compatible with Microsoft Pocket PC or other operation system

1). Install Microsoft ActiveSync to your PC, refer to your Pocket PC manual for

installation procedure, as Fig. 5.

2). Setup your Pocket PC cradle to Desktop PC UART port. The Microsoft

ActiveSync will detect your Pocket PC automatically.

Setup your Pocket PC cradle to Desktop PC UART port. The Microsoft ActiveSync
will detect your Pocket PC automatically, as Fig. 7.

(Fig. 7)

3). Double click the GPSViewer.exe on your PC, then Holux GPSViewer.exe

program will install automatically, as Fig. 8.

(Fig. 8)