Hypertec Ergo-Top User Manual
Ergo -top

Yo u r u l t i m a t e o f f i c e l a p t o p s t a t i o n
Ergo -Top
The use of laptop computers certainly make our lives easier. This convenience
however comes with a drawback. Due to the low positioning of the laptop
screen and the fixated keyboard, most laptop users maintain a hunched-over
body posture while working. However practical the laptop PC may be, it is, from
an ergonomic point of view, not desirable to use it for extended periods of time.
The Ergo-Top provides the perfect solution for this problem and provides a true
ergonomic workstation. By placing your laptop on the Ergo-Top, you can adjust
its height so that the monitor level is both comfortable and safe. The Ergo-Top
also includes a document holder, which conveniently positions documents just
below the laptop screen to minimize undue head and neck motion. By using the
Ergo-Top in combination with a separate keyboard and mouse you can easily
create an ergonomic workstation!
Using an Ergo-Top improves body posture
and comfort level
Integral document holder
Laptop use without a proper laptop holder
should be limited (European guidelines)
Secure the Ergo-Top, mouse, keyboard and
laptop with only one laptop lock
Money saver: no external monitor or
docking station is needed.
A smart and elegant design:
Winner of Good Industrial Design Award