Hans Grohe Croma C and E 100 User Manual
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Croma C 100 and Croma E 100, continued
Hansgrohe Press Release
stream through 75 spray channels of the showerhead or handshower. These
voluminous drops of air-infused water actually coat the bather’s skin in warmth,
instead of bouncing off, as with the stinging needle-like spray of other low-flow
Easy-cleaning technology: All eight models also feature the Quiclean cleaning
system, another hallmark of Hansgrohe quality and innovation. As with most
Hansgrohe showerheads and handshowers, the Croma spray channels are
made of durable silicone, a nonporous and elastic material that actually repels
the buildup of lime scale and other substances in the water stream. If these
materials appear on the spray channels, they can be simply wiped away with a
fingertip or a washcloth. As a result, lime scale deposits are easily eliminated.
List pricing: The following are list-price figures for the eight Croma 100 models,
all with a chrome finish.
> Croma C 100 3-Jet Handshower: $70;
> Croma C 100 Green 3-Jet Handshower: $75;
> Croma C 100 3-Jet Showerhead: $60;
> Croma C 100 Green 3-Jet Showerhead: $65;
> Croma E 100 3-Jet Handshower: $60;
> Croma E 100 Green 3-Jet Handshower: $70;
> Croma E 100 3-Jet Showerhead: $55;
> Croma E 100 Green 3-Jet Showerhead: $60;
Besides chrome, the Croma E Handshower and Showerhead are also available
brushed nickel, and polished brass, while the Croma C products are available in
those three finishes plus oil rub bronze and polished nickel. Pricing information is
available upon request.
About World of Styles: World of Styles from Hansgrohe presents one of the
most complete and diverse offerings in the bath and kitchen field, spanning
contemporary, transitional and traditional designs. Backed by Hansgrohe’s
innovation, design competence and quality, World of Styles allows end-