Hasbro Clue Classic Detective Game User Manual
Object, Equipment, Setup

For 3 to 6 players / Ages 8 to adult
Rules ©1986 Hasbro, Inc. Printed in U.S.A.
Mr. Boddy— apparently the victim of foul play— is found in one of the rooms of
his mansion. To win, you must determine the answers to these three questions:
Who done it? Where? and with What Weapon?
Clue ® Game Board: This shows nine rooms in Mr. Boddy’s mansion
6 colored tokens, each representing one of the Suspects:
Colonel Mustard— yellow; Miss Scarlet— red; Professor Plum— purple;
Mr. Green— green; Mrs. White— white; and Mrs. Peacock— blue
6 miniature weapons: Rope, Lead Pipe, Knife, Wrench, Candlestick, Revolver
Pack of cards: One card for each of the six Suspects, six Weapons and nine Rooms
Pad of detective “notebooks” to aid in your investigation
Confidential “Case File” envelope
1 die
1. Look on the board for the START space and Suspect name nearest you. Take that
Suspect token as your playing piece and put it on that space. If fewer than six are
playing, be sure to place the remaining token(s) onto the appropriate name(s)—
they might, after all, be involved in the crime, and they must be on the premises!
2. Place each of the weapons in a different room. Select any six of the nine rooms.