Ii important safety precautions, Warnings – E&J METRO IC4 User Manual
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000178 Revision B, March 006 • Metro IC4 Owner’s Manual
II IMpORtant safety pReCautIOns
IMpORtant safety pReCautIOns: always fOllOw tHese
safety pReCautIOns wHen usInG yOuR wHeelCHaIR.
faIluRe tO dO sO COuld Result In peRsOnal InjuRy tO yOu
OR OtHeRs OR daMaGe tO yOuR wHeelCHaIR.
Safety requires the constant attention of the wheelchair user and
the attendant. It is extremely important to learn and always use safe
methods of performing basic daily activities. Always consult your
healthcare professional to determine those methods most suitable for
your individual abilities.
Protect yourself and your wheelchair by having your Metro IC4
serviced regularly. Whenever any part of your Metro IC4 is not func-
tioning properly, contact your Graham-Field Health Products dealer
immediately, as a hazardous situation could result, causing personal
injury or damage to your wheelchair. ONLY EXCELLENT CONDI-
inspection, adjustment, and replacement of worn parts will provide
many years of superb performance.
WARNING: Metro IC4 maximum weight capacity is 250 lbs.
(113 kg).
WARNING: Do not operate this wheelchair on streets or
WARNING: Do not operate this wheelchair on hilly or rough
terrain, sand, wet or icy surfaces, or surfaces
with impaired traction. Ensure that pathway is
clear of all obstacles.
WARNING: Do not turn wheelchair while going downhill, as
wheelchair could tip over.