Emerson HD7003 User Manual

Page 12

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5.) Put on the lightweight stereo headphones and adjust the VOLUME and BASS

BOOST controls as desired.

6.) Playback will continue to the end of the disc. As each track is played the display

will show the track number and the elapsed playing time of that track. After

the last track has played the player stops and the display again shows the total

tracks and total playing time on the disc. After several seconds the power

shuts off automatically to conserve battery life and the display goes blank.

7.) To stop playback before the disc ends press the STOP button at any time.

Playback stops and the display shows the total tracks and playing time. Press

the STOP button again to shut the power off. The display goes blank. Open

the CD door and remove your disc.

PAUSE Control

To pause playback momentarily press the PLAY/PAUSE

button again. Playback

stops but the disc continues to spin and the CD

time display flashes. Press the PLAY/PAUSE

button again to cancel pause and resume


SKIP/Search (


) Controls

To skip to higher or lower numbered tracks during playback press the


buttons repeatedly until the desired track number appears in the display. Playback

will begin on the desired track.

During playback, to search forward or backward within a track to locate a specific

musical passage press and hold the


buttons. The player will move

rapidly forward or backward. When you hear the desired passage release the


buttons and normal speed playback will resume at that point.



7/4/2003, 11:15