Controls and features – Escort 9500CI User Manual

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The 9500ci is typically wired to a

switched supply at the vehicle’s fuse box.

This allows the detector to turn on/off
with the ignition. If you prefer, the power

button can be used to manually turn the

9500ci on or off.

Power-On Indication

Once your 9500ci’s is installed, the system
will turn on with the ignition. Once the

start-up sequence is complete, the display

will show “Highway”, “Auto” or “Auto NoX”

to indicate which sensitivity mode it is in.

If you prefer, you can select alternate

power-on displays. See the Preferences
section for details.

Volume Control
Press and hold the VOL button on the
controller to adjust the alert volume level.
The audio will ramp up and down,

accompanied by a bar-graph on the display.

Once your desired level is reached, simply

release the button. This audio level will be
stored in memory, even after the detector
is turned off.

NOTE: To change the direction of

the audio ramping (e.g. down instead

of up) simply release the VOL button

quickly and press and hold again.



Radar Sensitivity

The “SENS” button selects the 9500ci’s

radar sensitivity. The choices are

“Highway”, “Auto” or “Auto No X”. In

general, we recommend “Auto” for every
day driving.

Highway (Highway Mode)
In this setting, the 9500ci will detect all
radar signals on all bands at maximum

Auto (AutoMode)

In this setting the 9500ci will
automatically adjust its radar sensitivity
based on the speed of your vehicle. At
slower speeds, (<25mph) X and K-band
sensitivity is reduced to minimize alerts
caused by automatic door openers, etc.

At higher speeds, (>45 mph) X and K-

band sensitivity is increased to maximum.

Note: Full sensitivity is

maintained on Ka-band and Laser

regardless of your speed.

Auto NoX (AutoMode with NoX)
Auto No X works the same as AutoMode

above; however, X-band is completely
turned off.

WARNING: Do not use the 9500ci

Auto NoX unless you are absolutely

certain that there are no traffic radar

guns using X-band in your area.


The MUTE button, located in the center of

the 9500ci’s controller, has several

1. Mute the audio during a single alert.

To do this, briefly press the MUTE button

during the alert. After that radar
encounter has passed, the Mute will
disengage, and the audio will return to
your preset level.

2. Lockout false alarms using TrueLock.
To do this, simply press the Mute button
(3) three consecutive times during the

false alert. The first time the audio will
mute as stated above. The second time the
mute button is pressed; the display will
read “Lockout?” To confirm and lockout
that signal, press the mute button a third

NOTE: Visually scan the area to

ensure no real threat exists before

locking out any signals.

Once a signal has been locked out, the

satellite icon on the display will rotate,
giving you a visual indication that it is
detecting that signal, but no alert will be

3. Unlock a signal. To do this, simply

press and hold the Mute button while the
icon is rotating. An “Unlock” message will
be displayed. Press the mute button again
to confirm and unlock that signal.

4. Disengage “Laser Shifting”. To do this,

simply double-tap the mute button during
a laser alert once you’ve adjusted your
speed. This will put the Laser Shifters into
a “receive only” mode for approximately

(1) one minute. Once this time has passed,

the Shifters will automatically return to
the “shifting” mode.

NOTE: Shifters must be turned on

in Preferences. See Preferences

section for details.
5. Once the vehicle is under 25 mph,

press and hold to disable the Shifters for
an extended period of time. Once the
vehicle reaches 25 mph, the Shifters will
reset and return to Shift mode.


Your 9500ci has our patented AutoMute

feature. After the 9500ci alerts you to a
radar encounter at the volume you have
selected, the AutoMute feature will
automatically reduce the volume to a
lower level. This keeps you informed

without the annoyance of a continuous

full-volume alert.

If you prefer, you can turn AutoMute

off. See the Preferences section for details.

Controls and Features