Excalibur electronic VR15 User Manual
Page 6
The computer will tally the value of your two cards and dis-
play the numerical value to the left of your cards. The arrow
icon is now at the bottom left of the screen, where your play
choices are listed: HIT, STAND, or DOUBLE (Double Down).
Use the DIRECTIONAL KEYPAD and the A button to choose
a play.
If you HIT, a third card is drawn and your new card value
is totaled in the box to the left of your cards. You may HIT as
many times as you wish, until you Bust (reach a total value over
21, in which case you lose the hand) or you select STAND and
the dealer's cards are revealed. Whoever's cards are closest to 21
without going over wins the hand.
If you STAND, you receive no more cards for the hand. The
dealer's cards are revealed and the values of the cards compared.
The player whose cards are closest to 21 without going over
wins the hand.
If you DOUBLE DOWN, you place an additional bet equal
to your original bet in exchange for one card. The goal of dou-
bling down is to draw 21 with the one additional card.
Sometimes you will receive two cards of the same value
(two sevens, two Queens, a King and a ten). In these cases there
is a fourth option, which is SPLIT. If you split, the one hand is
made into two separate hands. A second bet equal to your orig-
HINT: Like most casino dealers, the computer
will always HIT at 16 and below and STAND
at 17 and above.
DEAL: Choose this icon to deal a hand.
CHIPS: Choose the denomination of
the bets you wish to make.
HIT: Choose this icon to take one
card, increasing the value of the hand.
STAND: Choose this icon to receive
no more cards from the dealer.
DOUBLE DOWN: Choose this icon to double your bet on
your first two cards.
SPLIT: Choose this icon to split two cards of the same value
into two separate hands.
INSURANCE: Choose this icon if the dealer is showing an Ace
and you want to bet that the dealer's hand is Blackjack.
EXIT: Choose this icon to exit the current game and return to
the game menu.
Press A to begin the game. On the Blackjack opening
screen, the arrow icon points to the first of three chips on the
bottom right: 10, 20, and 100. Use the DIRECTIONAL KEY-
PAD and the A button to make a bet between $20 and $250
(shown in the box at the upper left of the screen), which will be
automatically deducted from the BANK at the top right of the
screen and indicated in the BET box at the bottom left of the
screen. When you are finished, use the DIRECTIONAL KEY-
PAD and the A button to select DEAL.