Rear panel – Electro-Voice CPS 3 User Manual
Page 6

SPEAKON output connectors are provided for the power
amplifier channels A (left) and B (right).
The Bridged Out Connector for bridged operation is
sealed with a plastic cover to prevent connection errors.
The time constant of the built-in limiter to avoid overdri-
ving is adjustable. Position “SLOW” is the factory preset
and this should also be the normal position.
If the power amplifier is used as a MID/HI-frequency
amplifier in active multi-way systems, the limiter switch
should be set to “FAST”.
If the power amplifier is used as LOW-frequency ampli-
fier in active multi-way systems, the limiter switch should
be set to “SLOW”.
Slide switch to change from Normal Stereo mode to
Bridged mode. In Bridged mode the built-in power ampli-
fiers operate in “push- pull” and the double output voltage
from channel A and B appears at the Bridged output
connector. The phases of Channel A and B are in oppo-
site and therefore the individual channels must not be
used as loudspeaker outputs.
This filter attenuates subsonic and high frequency si-
gnals so that the power amplifiers are not modulated with
these signals. This switch should normally always be in
position ON. The OFF position is only for applications
where an upstream unit, e.g. a crossover or a equalizer,
has integrated HI-Cut and LO-Cut filters.
Hum loops can be avoided with the groundlift switch. If
the power amplifier is operated together with other units
in one 19" rack, the switch should be in GROUNDED
position. If the power amplifier is used with units which
have different earthing potentials, the switch should be
adjusted to the UNGROUNDED position.