Energy Tech Laboratories SS120 User Manual
Gas water heaters, Winners, Features

Your guide to
energy smart
gas water
Top Energy Saver Award
An easy way to make sure you choose the most
energy efficient gas water heater is to ask for
Australia’s star energy performers—Top Energy
Saver Award Winner (TESAW) winners.
Each year, a government authority presents
TESAW to gas water heaters that have the highest
star ratings.
Choosing a TESAW of gas water heater could have
a big impact on household energy costs.
For a typical four-person household, the savings
could be as much as $984 over a 12-year lifetime.
This would also reduce greenhouse gas emissions by
some 3.1 tonnes.
Look for the TESAW logo on appliances, and in
brochures and catalogues.
For more information on Award winning appliances
log onto the Top Energy Saver Award Winner web
Energy saving
Look for these features before you buy:
A size or capacity that matches your hot water
needs—this is expressed in litres for storage
systems and litres per minute for continuous flow
Avoid models with a pilot light if considering a
continuous flow system
Adjustable thermostats for temperature control.
These allow you to reduce the temperature of the
hot water, saving energy
Remote water temperature controls
Consider a gas-boosted solar hot water system.
These do not carry gas Energy Rating labels.
Gas-boosted solar water heating may be an option
if you have a suitable area of north facing roof
which is unshaded throughout the year. While
they cost more to buy, the typical payback period
from the energy savings could be as little as 5
years (for new homes). Government rebates are
available in Western Australia. The rebate will
reduce the overall installation costs and therefore
also reduce the payback period.
For further information on rebates, visit the web
site at:
Further information and advice
SEDO’s Energy Smart Line (WA only)
Phone 1300 658 158
Australian Gas Association Technical
Phone (03) 9580 4500
National energy rating web site
The Reach for the Stars program is a national
initiative supported by the Department of
Environment and Climate Change in New
South Wales, Sustainability Victoria, the Energy
Division of the Department for Transport,
Energy and Infrastructure South Australia, the
Sustainable Energy Development Office in
Western Australia, and the Australian
Greenhouse Office.
The information in this publication was derived from various sources,
is provided in good faith and believed to be correct when published.
Products listed in this publication are provided for the purposes of
information only and reference in this publication should not be construed
as an official endorsement by any of the government agencies participating
in the Reach for the Stars Program. This document can be made available in
alternative formats to meet the needs of people with disabilities.
Published in July 2007 by the Sustainable Energy Development Office
Printed on recycled paper
A joint
government &
industry program
Sirocco Saraha Clothes Washer
Model SS120
This label is awarded to appliances that are
among the most energy efficient on the
market in their class at the time of testing.
For more information and to compare
appliances, refer to: