Earlex ASG55 User Manual

Page 7

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1) Only apply one coat at a time. If more than one coat is required follow the paint manufacturer’s

instructions for drying times.

2) If spraying small objects keep the output setting low as this will avoid

excessive use of paint and will minimise overspray.

3) When spraying large areas or objects use a criss-cross pattern

either left to right then up and down or vice-versa. Remember to
momentarily stop spraying as you change direction. This will ensure
maximum coverage. (See Fig. 5)

4) Avoid stopping and starting when spraying as this can lead to too

much or not enough material on a surface.

5) To ensure edges are covered begin spraying just outside the area being

sprayed and do not stop until you have just passed the opposite edge.

The Earlex Outdoor Paint Sprayer is supplied with 0.6mm and 1.0mm nozzles.

1) 0.6mm - This size works best for stains and water-proofers for small application areas.

2) 1.0mm - This nozzle is suitable for spraying woodcare treatments.

If when spraying you find that the spray pattern is small and splattery, and adjusting the output control
knob does not solve the problem, try a different nozzle size before further thinning the material.



After every use it is essential that you clean the Paint Sprayer thoroughly

When you have finished spraying, empty any remaining material out of the Paint Container and clean
it thoroughly using the thinners required for the job.
Rinse the Paint Sprayer Paint Container with the thinners required for the job and spray through the
Paint Sprayer onto cardboard or newspaper, and follow the instructions below.
Refer to spare parts section on page 3 when carrying out the following.

● When you have finished spraying, empty any

remaining material out of the Paint Container.