Emotiva UPA-1 User Manual
Page 15

UPA‐2 Back Panel
1. Status Led Selector ‐ Status LEDs can be turned on and off with this selector.
2. Channel Two (Right) Audio Input – Standard RCA input connection that connects to a standard RCA audio output
connection on a preamplifier, receiver or multi‐channel processor.
3. Level/Output Control – This rotary dial controls the output level of the UPA‐2. This is recommended for use when the
output level of the UPA‐2 (32db) exceeds the output level of other amplifiers being used in the same system. Example: You
are using the UPA‐2 to drive your main left and right speakers, and letting an AV receiver power the rest of your setup. The
output of the UPA‐2 is much higher than the receiver, causing the system to sound out of balance. Use the Level control to
adjust for this by turning it counterclockwise until your system sounds well integrated.
4. Channel One (Left) Audio Input – Standard RCA input connection that connects to a standard RCA audio output
connection on a preamplifier, receiver or multi‐channel processor.
5. Channel Two Speaker Terminals ‐ These 5 way binding posts accept stripped speaker wire, banana plugs, or spade
connectors. Be sure to observe correct polarity when connecting speakers and be sure that the wires do not touch between
positive and negative terminals.
6. Channel One Speaker Terminals ‐ These 5 way binding posts accept stripped speaker wire, banana plugs, or spade
connectors. Be sure to observe correct polarity when connecting speakers and be sure that the wires do not touch between
positive and negative terminals.
Note: Potentially lethal voltages present! Never connect, disconnect or modify speaker wiring with the amplifier turned
7. Voltage Indicator – All Emoitva amplifiers operate on either 115V or 230V. The voltage is detected when the amplifier is
turned on, and is identified by the indicator lights. There are no user adjustments, the amplifier automatically adjusts to the
8. Remote Trigger Input/Output – The UPA‐1 can be remotely triggered by another device, and in turn, remotely trigger
another device. When a remote trigger output from a preamplifier, processor or other audio device is connected to the
trigger input here, the amplifier will power up and shut down along with the first device. Another device (CD player,
amplifier, etc) can be added to this chain using the trigger output.
9. Master Power Switch ‐ This rocker switch provides the master power for the amplifier. After it is in the ON position, the
amplifier can be turned on manually from the front panel switch or automatically with the trigger input via 3.5mm input jack.
Under normal use, this switch should remain on, leaving the amplifier in standby position, and coming to full power with
either the front panel ‘STANDBY’ button, or activation through the remote trigger.