EastWest Hollywood Orchestra Opus Edition Virtual Instrument Plug-In (Download) User Manual
Page 84
Sustain NV VB VB
This instrument combines 3 articulations: non vibrato in the lowest dynamic, light vibrato
in the middle dynamic, and a lyrical vibrato in the upper dynamic. It is loaded with a
legato performance script that blends overlapping notes and eliminates strong attacks,
forcing monophonic playback; this allows you to easily create smooth melodic lines. Non-
overlapping will trigger with their regular attacks. CC 11 (Expression), and CC 1 (Mod
Wheel) control overall loudness, and CC 1 (Mod Wheel) controls dynamics (3 levels).
This instrument features an articulation that plays repeated, rapidly alternating bow
strokes on each note, creating a haunting, noisy effect at low volume levels and an ag-
gressive buzzing sound at higher ones. Combined with other instruments, it’s useful for
creating a sense of movement or “thickening” the sound with repeated note attacks. This
instrument is loaded with a legato performance script that blends overlapping notes and
eliminates strong attacks, forcing monophonic playback; this allows you to easily create
smooth melodic lines. Non-overlapping will trigger with their regular attacks. Dramatic
passages are an ideal place to add characteristic tremolo writing, with long crescendos
and decrescendos. CC 11 (Expression), and CC 1 (Mod Wheel) control overall loudness.
The instruments in this group are played without legato, meaning that every note
has clear attack — even overlapping notes. This is ideal for passages that require
more emphasis on each note, or where you don’t need the melody to sound nearly
as lyrical or connected.
This instrument features a bowing technique where the player moves the bow up toward
the fingerboard to create an ethereal, non-vibrato, breathy sound. CC 11 (Expression),
and CC 1 (Mod Wheel) control overall loudness.
Grand Détaché RR
This instrument features an articulation that creates sustained notes without a legato
connection (the term “détaché” means “separated” in English), and has a clear attack at
the start of every note regardless of what comes before it. CC 11 (Expression), and Note
Velocity control overall loudness, and there is a round robin (x2) cycle per note.
Lyrical Vibrato (Lyr Vib)
This instrument features an articulation that employs an expressive style of vibrato remi-
niscent of a singing voice. CC 11 (Expression), and CC 1 (Mod Wheel) control overall
loudness, and CC 1 (Mod Wheel) controls dynamics (2 levels).
Sustain Expressive (Sus Exp)
This instrument features an articulation that employs a molto vibrato style (highly pro-
nounced vibrato). CC 11 (Expression), and CC 1 (Mod Wheel) control overall loudness,
and CC 1 (Mod Wheel) controls dynamics (2 levels).
Sustain Light Vibrato (Sus LtVib)
This instrument features an articulation that employs a light amount of vibrato, in con-
trast to some of the more dramatic instruments in this collection. CC 11 (Expression), and
CC 1 (Mod Wheel) control overall loudness.