Nikon AF NIKKOR 28mm f/2.8D Lens User Manual

Af nikkor 28mm f/2.8d, Italiano, Jp en de fr es it tc sc

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AF Nikkor


No reproduction in any form of this manual, in whole or in part (except for brief quotation
in critical articles or reviews), may be made without written authorization from NIKON

User’s Manual

Manuel d’utilisation
Manual del usuario
Manuale d’uso

Serienmäßiges Zubehör

Aufsteckbarer Frontdeckel 52mm


Accesorios estándar

Tapa frontal a presión de 52 mm

Tapa trasera de objetivo

Accessori in dotazione

Tappo anteriore da 52mm dia.

Tappo posteriore

Standard accessories

52mm snap-on front lens cap

Rear lens cap

Printed in Japan TT6D23 (80)


Autofocus operation is possible with Nikon
autofocus cameras (except the F3AF and cameras
with lens mounts that do not have AF coupling);
manual focus possible with all Nikon SLRs.


Be careful not to soil or damage the CPU

Do not attach the following accessories to the
lens, as they might damage the lens CPU
contacts: Auto Extension Ring PK-1, PK-11 (use
PK-11A), K1 Ring, Auto Ring BR-4 (use BR-6),
and Auto Ring BR-2 (use BR-2A).

This lens cannot be used with the AF Finder DX-1
attached to the Nikon F3AF camera.

The distance scale does not indicate the precise
distance between the subject and the camera.
Values are approximate and should be used only
as a general guide.

Minimum aperture lock lever

(Fig. A)

For programmed auto or shutter-priority auto
shooting, use the minimum aperture lock lever to
lock the lens aperture at f/22.
1. Set the lens to its minimum aperture (f/22).
2. Slide the lock lever in the direction of the aperture

ring so that white dot on the tab aligns with the
orange dot.

To release the lock, slide the lever in the reverse

Recommended Focusing Screens

(See the reverse.)
Various interchangeable focusing screens are
available for Nikon F6, F5, F4- and F3-series cameras
to suit any type of lens or picture-taking situation.
Those which are recommended for use with this lens
are listed in the table (see the reverse). For details,
also refer to the specific camera's user's manual.

Lens care

Clean lens surface with a blower brush. To remove
dirt and smudges, use a soft, clean cotton cloth
or lens tissue moistened with ethanol (alcohol) or
lens cleaner. Wipe in a circular motion from center
to outer edge, taking care not to leave traces and
not to touch the other lens parts.

Never use thinner or benzine to clean the lens.

To protect the lens surface from dirt or damage,
the use of an NC filter is recommended at all
times. The lens hood also helps to protect the

When storing the lens in the lens case, attach
both the front and rear caps and set the lens’
focusing ring to the infinity (

) setting.

Do not splash water on the lens or drop it in the
water because this will cause it to rust and

When not using the lens for a long time, store it in
a cool, dry place to prevent mold from growing.
Also store the lens away from direct sunlight or
chemicals such as camphor or naphthalene.

Optional Accessories

52mm screw-in filters
Screw-in lens hood HN-2
Flexible lens pouch CL-0715

Reinforced plastic is used for some parts in the
lens unit; to avoid damage, take extra care to
never leave the lens in an excessively hot place.

Thank you for purchasing the AF Nikkor 28mm
f/2.8D lens. Before using your new lens, read the
following information carefully so you can get the
most out of your lens now and for years to come.
Object distance information can be transferred to
the camera body when the lens is used with any
Nikon model with 3D Matrix Metering capability.

Specifications and designs are subject to change without
any notice or obligation on the part of the manufacturer.


: 28mm
: f/2.8
: 6 elements in 6 groups

Focal length
Maximum aperture
Lens construction

: 74 [53 with Nikon digital cameras

(Nikon DX format); 63 with IX240
system cameras]

: Graduated in meters and feet from

0.25m (0.85ft) to infinity ().

: Output of object distance information

to the camera body is possible.

: f/2.8 to f/22 on both standard and

aperture-direct-readout scales

: Provided
: Fully automatic
: Via full-aperture method for Al

cameras or cameras with CPU
interface system; via stop-down
method for other cameras

: Nikon bayonet mount
: 52mm (P=0.75mm)
: Approx. 65mm dia.



(extension from the camera’s lens
mounting flange), overall length is
approx. 54mm

: Approx. 205g (7.2 oz.)

Picture angle

Distance scale

Distance information

Aperture scale

Minimum aperture lock
Exposure measurement

Attachment size


•La scala distanze non indica la distanza precisa tra il

soggetto e la fotocamera. I valori sono approssimativi e
servono solo a titolo di riferimento generale.

•Il funzionamento con messa a fuoco automatica è possibile

con le fotocamere autofocus Nikon (tranne la F3AF e le
fotocamere con innesti dell’obiettivo senza accoppiamento AF);
la messa a fuoco manuale è possibile con tutte le reflex Nikon.

Le specifiche e i disegni sono soggetti a modifica senza preavviso o obblighi
da parte del produttore.

Schermi di messa a fuoco raccomandati (Vedere retro.)

Ca. 65mm diam.


44,5mm (di

estensione della flangia di installazione
dell’obiettivo della telecamere),
lunghezza totale ca. 54mm


Fig. A Minimum aperture lock lever

Abb. A Verriegelung für kleinsten Blende
Fig. A

Levier de verrouillage d'ouverture minimale

Fig. A

Palanca de bloqueo de apertura mínima

Fig. A

Leva di blocco al diaframma minimo

Aperture ring

Aperture-direct-readout scale

Infrared compensation index

(white dot)

Distance index line

Meter coupling ridge

CPU contacts

Aperture scale

Minimum aperture lock lever

Focus ring

Distance scale window

Distance scale

Depth-of-field indicators

Lens barrel

Aperture indexing post

Aperture index line

Ligne de repère des ouvertures
Linea indicadora de escala de aberturas
Contrassegno apertura









•Autofokusbetrieb mit entsprechend ausgerüsteten

Nikon-Autofokuskameras (außer F3AF und Kameras, die
kein Bajonett mit AF-Anschlussstück haben); manuelle
Schärfeneinstellung bei allen Nikon-Spiegelreflexkameras.

•Die Entfernungsskala zeigt nicht den genauen Abstand

zwischen Motiv und Kamera an. Die Werte sind
Näherungswerte und können nur als Richtlinie dienen.

Änderungen von technischen Daten und Design durch den Hersteller



•L’autofocus est possible avec un boîtier autofocus Nikon

(sauf F3AF et les appareils photo à monture d’objectif sans
couplage AF), la mise au point manuelle avec tous les
appareils reflex Nikon.

•L’échelle de distance n’indique pas la distance précise entre

le sujet et l’appareil photo. Les valeurs sont approximatives
et ne doivent être considérées que comme une estimation

Les caractéristiques et le dessin sont susceptibles d’être modifiés sans préavis
ni obligation de la part du constructeur.



•Es posible un funcionamiento con enfoque automático en las

cámaras de enfoque automático de Nikon (excepto F3AF y las
cámaras con monturas del objetivo sin acoplamiento AF); aunque
es posible el enfoque manual con todas las SLR de Nikon.

•La escala de distancia no indica la distancia precisa entre el

sujeto y la cámara. Los valores son aproximados y deberían
utilizarse exclusivamente como guía general.

Las especificaciones y los diseños están sujetos a cambio sin previo aviso ni
obligación por parte del fabricante.

1. Coloque el objetivo a su abertura mínima (f/22).


Accessoires fournis

Bouchon avant d'objectif diamètre 52 mm

Bouchon arrière





