Escort 75 Detector User Manual

Page 21

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Page 21

Interpreting Alerts

Road Tech 75 receives weak signals.
These signals may be a little stronger
as you pass large, roadside objects.
The signals increase in frequency.

A moving patrol car with continuous
radar is overtaking you from behind.
Because these signals are reflected
(reflections are increased by large
objects), they may or may not eventu-
ally melt into a solid point even when
the patrol car is directly behind you.

Road Tech 75 alerts slowly for awhile
and then abruptly jumps to a strong

You are approaching a radar unit con-
cealed by a hill or an obstructed curve.

Road Tech 75 alerts intermittently.
Rate and strength of alerts may be
consistent or vary wildly.

A patrol car is traveling in front of you
with a radar source aimed forward.

Road Tech 75 alerts intermittently.

Because signals are sometimes
reflected off of large objects and
sometimes not, the alerts may seem

A patrol car is approaching from the
other direction, sampling traffic with
instant-on radar. Such alerts should
be taken seriously.

