ST124W 4 Port Wall-Mountable VGA Video Splitter (Black) User Manual

Hardware guide, Installation, Introduction

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W,, SSTT112244W

W,, SSTT112288W


Hardware Guide


Thank you for purchasing a VGA
Video Splitter. An ideal solution for distributing
and delivering VGA source content for simulta-
neous display on up to eight monitors, this video
splitter is a perfect addition to retail, tradeshow,
education, government and corporate environ-
ments requiring high quality video.


• Max. supported resolutions up to 1600 x1200
• Cascadable up to 3 levels
• Supports transmission distances up to 65m /


System Requirements

• A computer with a VGA Card installed
• HDB15 male/female video cables

Top View

(ST124W shown)

Power Indicator

Video IN port

Video OUT ports

Rear View

(ST124W shown)

Power Port


Single Unit Installation

In a Single Unit Installation, only one video splitter is used, in turn limiting the number of displays to which
the split signal can be broadcast; a Cascaded configuration on the other hand, utilizes multiple splitters con-
nected to one another to providing numerous additional video connections (i.e. ST122W can be cascaded
to provide up to 8 video outputs, ST124W up to 64 and ST128W up to 512.

1. With the video source computer powered down, use a high density HDB15 male/female VGA cable to

connect the computer Video Out port to the Video IN port on the splitter.

2. Using a high density HDB15 male/female VGA cable for each connection, connect the monitors to the

Video OUT ports provided by the splitter.

3. Connect the Power Port on the video splitter to an available power outlet, using the provided adapter.

4. Power up the source computer and newly connected monitors.

Cascaded Installation

To cascade multiple splitters, use a high density HDB15 male/female VGA cable to connect any available
Video OUT port on the “higher level” video splitter to the Video IN port of the lower level video splitter.
You can cascade as many video splitters as there are ports available, however the signal will deteriorate
as distance between the monitor and source increases.

Please see reverse for a diagram depicting a cascaded configuration.