Amprobe AT-3000-PRO Underground-Wire-Pipe-Locator User Manual
User guide, At-3000 pro

Functional Test
Set the G-3000 PRO to pulsed operation, switch on
and place on the ground
Check there is an audible sound from the speaker
Place the R-3000 PRO flat on the ground and pointing
toward the G-3000 PRO
With the sensitivity switched on and set to maximum
sensitivity, check that the audio response (which should
be synchronised with the G-3000 PRO audio output) as
detailed in the table below.
Mouse transmitters for non-metallic pipe location
These devices have relatively short battery lives.
They should always be fitted with new batteries before
use. Insert one battery and use a tested R-3000 PRO to
confirm that the Mouse can be located at
4 metres . Remember that the R-3000 PRO blade must be in
line with the Mouse which is the opposite to that which
is normally used for pipe or cable locating.
Test Distance
Audio Output
30cm (1ft)
Pulsed, clearly audible
1.5m (5ft)
Pulsed, clearly audible
15m (50ft)
Pulsed, very high volume
15m (50ft)
Pulsed, very high volume
Advanced Test Products, Inc., 3270 Executive Way, Miramar, FL 33025
Phone: 954-499-5400 Fax: 954-499-5418 Toll free: 1-800-327-5060
Service and Maintenance
The AT-3000 PRO is designed so that they do not require regular calibration. However,
as with all safety equipment, it is recommended that they are serviced at least once a year
either at Amprobe or an approved repair centre.
Amprobe products are under continuous development and are subject to change without notice.
R-3000 PRO
Locator features
1 On/Off
Press and hold to use R-3000 PRO
2 Loudspeaker
Detachable speaker for use
in noisy environments
3 LCD Display
4 Sensitivity Control
5 Function Switch
Selects locate mode
6 Battery compartment
To replace batteries, open the
access cover using a screwdriver
or coin. Use two LR20 or D type
alkaline batteries (or equivalent
NiMH rechargeable batteries)
When using the R-3000 PRO in noisy environments, the
speaker can be detached and held closer to the ear.
To avoid excessive noise exposure it is advisable to
hold the speaker no closer than 15cm (6”) from the ear.
Prolonged use at this level should be avoided.
G-3000 PRO
Generator features
1 On/Off button
Press to switch On and
Off. Press and hold to
reduce volume
2 Direct connection socket
3 Loudspeaker
4 Battery compartment
To replace batteries, open the
access cover using a screwdriver
or coin. Use four LR20 or D type
alkaline batteries (or equivalent
NiMH rechargeable batteries)
Trace the buried conductor keeping the R-3000 PRO vertical
and moving it steadily from side to side. Follow the line of the
buried conductor marking it with chalk or paint across the
area to be excavated.
Switch back to AvoidanceScan
mode to resume the sweep
of the area to be excavated.
Operation of Power and Radio modes
Power and Radio modes can be used independently of
and it is recommended that this is done to
pinpoint services in very congested areas.
Regularly check your AT-3000 PRO, in all modes, over a
cable which gives a response you are familiar with.
Using Power mode
Select Power using the function switch.
Grip the handle.
Squeeze trigger and listen for bleep indicating the batteries
are OK. Replace both batteries if there is no bleep or if the
battery icon is flashing.
Rotate the Sensitivity Control fully clockwise for
maximum sensitivity but reduce if there is a blanket
signal across the site.
Define the area to be
excavated and carry
out a grid pattern sweep
as described in
The presence of a
buried metallic pipe or
cable will be indicated
by a tone emitted from
the speaker. Keep the
blade of the R-3000
PROvertical and move
slowly backwards and
forwards over the cable or pipe, reducing the sensitivity for
a narrower response. Use the meter deflection to aid
pinpointing. Maximum meter deflection indicates the position
of the conductor.
Trace the conductor out of the area, marking the position
with chalk or paint.
Using AvoidanceScan
Grip the handle.
Squeeze trigger and listen for bleep indicating the
batteries are OK. Replace both batteries if there is
no bleep or if the battery icon is flashing.
Turn Function Switch to A (AvoidanceScan
) to sweep the
area for conductors radiating Power, Radio or Genny signals.
In this mode the depth button will not be active and the
sensitivity control will only adjust the G-3000 PRO signal
level. (P and R will be set to maximum sensitivity).
Keep the sensitivity at maximum unless there is a blanket
G-3000 PRO signal, in which case turn down the
sensitivity until the blanket G-3000 PRO signal is reduced
to a usable level.
Best results are obtained in the AvoidanceScan
mode when
the G-3000 PRO is set to pulse operation.
Sweep the area to be excavated with a steady and deliberate
motion. Hold the R-3000 PRO with the blade vertical and
with the bottom end just above the ground. Ensure the whole
area is covered by adopting a grid pattern.
Maximum meter and speaker response indicates the position
of a buried conductor.
If necessary switch to a dedicated mode (P,R or G-3000 PRO)
to pinpoint the conductor, adjusting the signal level control to
give a narrow locate band over the conductor. Rotate the
R-3000 PRO to give maximum response. The R-3000 PRO
is now at right angles to the conductor. (This can be less
precise in the power mode because of the nature of the
power signal).
5 Storage compartment
Holding connection cable,
Ground stake and ground cable
6 Pulse/Continuous switch
R-3000 PRO LCD features
The R-3000 LCD display provides visual representation of
the following parameters:
• Depth
• Battery indicator (flashing icon indicates
that batteries are low)
• Signal strength indicator
• Mode/clockface indicator
• Depth button
Operation of Power, Radio
and AvoidanceScan
Regularly check your AT-3000 PRO, in all modes, over a
cable which gives a response you are familiar with.
Use the AvoidanceScan
mode to undertake an initial sweep
of an area to be excavated. AvoidanceScan
will detect all
modes simultaneously.
Power signals:- radiated by loaded, unbalanced cables.
These signals are also found on other nearby conductors
that ‘re-radiate’ the power signal.
Radio signals:- originate from distant radio transmitters.
These penetrate the ground and are re-radiated by buried
conductors. However, they are not always present.
G-3000 PRO signals:- present on buried conductors that
have had a G-3000 PRO signal applied. There are various
ways of applying the G-3000 PRO signal (see Locating
with the AT-3000 PRO).
AT-3000 PRO
User Guide
This User Guide covers the use of the
underground wire tracer, the AT-3000 PRO.
The AT-3000 PRO consists of receiver
the R-3000 PRO and Generator, the
G-3000 PRO.
The R-3000 PRO provides four detection
modes, audio and visual indication and
depth measurment.