Amprobe AT-1000 Advanced-Wire-Tracer User Manual

Page 10

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“opens” are deenergized conductors that are not connected to a source or a load, and therefore
do not pass current. first verify that the conductor is deenergized, using a voltmeter, then verify
that it is open, with respect to ground and/or adjacent conductors, using an ohmmeter.

Using the C2902 Cord Set, connect the x1000 Transmitter to the open conductor and a


separate ground as shown in fig. 8. Use the Ad-1 if applicable.
Where possible, ground any other conductors sharing the same path as the open wire to


reduce capacitive coupling, or “signal bleed-off” onto those conductors.
Switch the R1000 Receiver to the “open” mode and turn the receiver “on” by sliding the


“Sensitivity Range Switch” and set it to position 5.
Verify that the x1000 Transmitter is generating a signal by placing the R1000 tip against one


of the cord set leads.
proceed to trace the wire by moving the R1000 left to right over the path of the wire so


that you can see the rise and fall of the signal level (see fig. 7). Adjust the “Sensitivity Range
Switch” to display 3 led’s of signal strength. The strongest signal confirms the path of the
wire. if the signal drops off, the wire may have taken a turn in another direction, or may be
open at this point. before attempting to adjust the sensitivity, back track and try tracing from
another angle, if possible. pinpoint the location of the open (where the signal drops off) by
reducing the sensitivity while decreasing the distance between the R1000 and the conductor.
if possible, repeat the process starting from the other end of the wire to verify the location


of the open.


Using the C2902 Cord Set, connect the x1000 Transmitter to the shorted conductor and a


separate ground as shown in fig. 9. Use the Ad-1 adapter if tracing a conductor connected to
a receptacle.
Switch the R1000 Receiver to the “CURRenT” mode and turn the receiver “on” by sliding the


“Sensitivity Range Switch” and set it to position 5
Verify that the x1000 Transmitter is generating a signal by placing the R1000 tip against one


of the cord set leads.
proceed to trace the wire by moving the R1000 left to right over the path of the wire so


that you can see the rise and fall of the signal level (see fig. 7). Adjust the “Sensitivity Range
Switch” to display 3 led’s of signal strength. The strongest signal confirms the path of the
wire. if the signal drops off, the wire may have taken a turn in another direction, or may be
shorted at this point. before attempting to adjust the sensitivity, back track and try tracing
from another angle, if possible. pinpoint the location of the short (where the signal drops
off) by reducing the sensitivity while decreasing the distance between the R1000 and the
if possible, repeat the process starting from the other end of the wire to verify the location


of the short.