Amprobe THWD-5 Relative-Humidity-Temperature-Meter User Manual

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The THWD-5 psychrometer is a microprocessor-based design for HVAC and plant Maintenance
technicians and engineers.
easy to use for readings of Relative Humidity, Temperature as well as Wet bulb and Dew point
Use the Min/Max functions to record the lowest and highest values measured.
it is equipped with an extended probe for easy target access, a large dual lCD display with
The THWD-5 also offers a tripod mounting on the back of the unit.


power on/off
press the power button (4) to turn the meter on and off.
The meter will enter the auto sleep mode after 20 minutes of non-operation.

press the backlight button (5) to turn the backlight on and off. it will remain on for 10 seconds
and turn itself off.

Temperature unit selection
press °C °f pushbutton in normal mode to switch between °C and °f.

Hold Reading
press Data Hold (7) button in normal mode to hold the current reading.
press it again to unlock and proceed with continuous reading.

Air/Dew point/Wet Bulb measurement
press and hold for two seconds the Dp Wb pushbutton to switch between air temperature, Dew
point and Wet bulb reading. (Do not do when in Calibration mode.)

Reset/Min/Max value reading
press and hold for two seconds the Min/Max (9) pushbutton to turn on this feature. The meter
will start capturing readings as minimum and maximums of the readings. press the pushbutton
to step through and retrieve the minimum and maximum readings captured of both relative
humidity and temperature. press and hold for two seconds the Min Max button to turn this
feature off.
press and hold for more than one second to reset the minimum and the maximum value.

Disable the Auto Sleep mode
press on/off (4) + Hold (7) to turn on the meter and enter the normal mode with auto sleep