Amprobe GSD600 Gas-Leak-Detector User Manual
Page 7

if the earphone is not in use, the user can mute the beeper by switching the mute button to the
on position. The user then has the LeD’s as the indicator and no sound.
Leakage Checking
To check for pipe leakage, proceed as follows:
Approach the pipe slowly with the sensor pointing to the pipe. Repeat the procedure from the
other side of the pipe. when the sensor is near to a leak, the LeD will light and the frequency
of the beep will increase.
it takes at least 2-min for the sensor to recover after leak detection.
when the low battery LeD turns on, it is recommended to replace the batteries with new ones
to ensure the accuracy of the meter.
open the battery comportment and replace the batteries with 4 new AA batteries.
Meter does not turn on
Make sure you press the on/off key for about two seconds.
Make sure the batteries are oK
Replace the batteries and try again
Ready LED does not turn on after 60 seconds warm up
Check the sensor contact. if LeD is still off, please return the meter for replacement or repair.
Situations to be avoided
if silicone vapor is absorbed onto sensor’s surface, the sensor will become coated. So, avoid
exposure of the meter to silicone adhesive, hair grooming materials, and silicone rubber.
This situation reduces the meter’s effectiveness.
high-density exposure to corrosive materials such as h2S, Sox, Ci2, and hCL etc may cause
corrosion or breakage of the lead wires or heater material.
Second drift may occur when the sensor is contaminated by alkaline metals or especially salt
water spray
Sensor drift may occur if soaked or splashed with water.
freezing water on the sensor surface may damage it or alter its characteristics.
Do not operate the meter under low oxygen atmosphere. The required operating oxygen is
around 21% under ambient oxygen environment.
Situations to be avoided whenever possible
Light condensation under indoor usage should not be a problem for the sensor. however,
if water condenses on the sensor’s surface for a time period, the sensor characteristics may