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Explanation of the cold zone signs
The symbol shown here on the left indicates the coldest point inside your refrigerator.
Coldest area:
below or equal to +4°C
Meat, poultry, fish, cold cuts, ready-to-eat meals, mixed salads, egg or cream based mixes and cakes, fresh
pasta, cake mixes, pizzas/quiches, fresh foods and fresh-milk cheeses, vegetables ready to be used and
packed in plastic bags and all other fresh foods whose expiry date is associated with a preservation
temperature below or equal to +4°C.
Temperatur indicator
Thermostat must be adjusted
Right Temperature
With the temperature indicator you can keep a check that your refrigerator is working properly.
The indicator shows the "OK" symbol when the coldest area reaches a temperature that is below or equal to
If the temperature is higher than 4°C the indicator is black so you must adjust the thermostat to make the
temperature drop.
ATTENTION: Keeping the refrigerator door open for a long time will cause the internal temperature to rise. To
measure the temperature correctly, it should be read on the indicator within 30 seconds.