7operation - loudspeaker processor mode – EAW UX8800 User Manual

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In this mode only certain functions and parameters are available for user

adjustment. These will vary depending on the input configuration and the specific loudspeaker or
array selected by the user.

7 . 1

I n t r o d u c t i o n

In Loudspeaker Processor mode the user can select from a list of specific EAW loudspeaker models and
arrays with factory-determined processor settings. This processing is not user accessible or adjustable.
EAW has designed the processing for each product listed and uploads it into specific, read-only memories
in the UX8800. As new loudspeaker products are released and older products are provided with Gunness
Focusing, these new settings can be uploaded into the UX8800.

The user configures one or more Input Channels by selecting a specific loudspeaker product for each. The
user then assigns the required number of outputs for each loudspeaker to that input channel as output “legs.”

In Loudspeaker Processor mode the user can also configure one or more inputs for generic signal
processing and assign it to one or more unused outputs as needed. This provides the same capabilities for
those channels as if they were in System Processor mode.



When a specific loudspeaker or array is selected, there are three types of signal processing. The first two are
the processing for the Output Channels and are not user adjustable. The third type is input channel
processing that is user-adjustable.

1. Standard Processing: This consists of standard, digital processing functions, including signal

delay for driver time alignment, polarity, gain, crossover filters, and high/low-pass filters.
These settings are fixed at the factory.

2. Gunness Focusing: This consists of a precise and highly complex filter specifically designed

to correct physical and electro-acoustic anomalies inherent to the design of a loudspeaker and
which cannot be corrected using conventional digital signal processing functions. In order to
be correctable, each of these anomalies must remain constant with listener direction, signal
level, environmental differences, and loudspeaker age. These anomalies are grouped together
and treated using a single, though quite complex, Gunness Focusing filter that addresses the
entire audible frequency range. These settings are fixed at the factory.

3. Input Processing: This consists of standard digital processing functions, including signal delay

for overall delay, gain, polarity, EQ, and high/low-pass filters. These settings are user
adjustable and affect all Output Channels (legs) assigned to each input and thus the overall
performance of the loudspeaker.



When generic processing is selected for an Input Channel, the Input Channel and Output Channel
processing is configured for standard digital processing functions, including signal delay, gain, polarity,
EQ, limiting, and high/low-pass filters.


When set for generic processing, the Input Channel processing can be adjusted using the

UX8800 front panel. However, Output Channel processing can only be adjusted using EAWPilot
software. It cannot be adjusted from the UX8800 front panel.

7 . 2

S e l e c t L o u d s p e a k e r P r o c e s s o r M o d e

1. Select the UTIL function.

2. Scroll down to and select: Mode

3. Select: Loudspeaker Processor. This will reboot the processor and reset all parameters to their

default settings for this mode.

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