B1. getting the com port information – Precision Flight Serial CAT I and Microsoft Flight Simulator 9 (2004) User Manual
Page 8

Set Up Guide for Serial CAT1 and FS2004 Page 8
B. Configure PFC Serial Driver for hardware communication
B1. Getting the Com Port information
The COM port or serial port is a port used by the CAT I System to communicate to FS2004. It is
important to know the correct COM port number that your CAT I System is connected to. This
information will be necessary for proper communication between FS2004and CAT I system. The
steps below will guide you to find out the correct com port number.
1. Go into the device manager
For Windows 7:
Click on the Start orb.
In the Search box, type device manager and then press enter.
For Windows XP:
On the desktop right-click on My Computer and click Properties or open the Control
Panel and double-click the System icon.
In the System Properties window, click the Hardware tab.
In the Hardware tab, click the Device Manager button.
Click Start
Click Settings
Click Control Panel
In the Control Panel double-click the Systems icon.
In the System Properties window click the Hardware tab.
In the Hardware tab click the Device Manager button.
2. In the Device Manager window, expand the Ports list by clicking on the plus (+) sign
3. Make a note of the com port numbers, as you will need this later in your setup.
My COM Port number/s :_____ and ______
4. Close the Device Manager Window and any other open Window