Earlex IS2000 User Manual
Page 9

Floor Cleaner (27)
Some carpets have stain resistant treatments, which may be affected by steam cleaning. Try
cleaning a small area of carpet that is normally unseen, then allow 24 hours to check whether
there have been any unusual effects on the carpet, e.g white streaks. If this happens DO NOT
CONTINUE TO USE – Check with your carpet supplier for further advice.
On wax treated surfaces and floors the sheen may be removed by steam. Do not use on
unsealed wood as this could destroy the integrity of the wood grain. Always check a small area
first or check with the manufacturer.
The Floor Cleaner can be used in a number of ways and for a variety of purposes. You may need to
experiment to find the best method of cleaning. The three options of use are:
a) With bristles extended – no Bonnet being used
b) With bristles extended and a Bonnet (31) in use
c) No bristles extended and a Bonnet (31) in use
In general, option (a) is likely to be used on stone or tiled floors where there are areas needing more
vigorous action to clean thoroughly. This may, for instance, be the grouting between tiles that requires
the bristles to help clear out dirt or grime.
Option (b) would be the normal use for any stone, tiled or solid floor.
Option (c) is for normal carpeted areas.
The Earlex Steam Dynamo Pro Floor Cleaner can be changed from having
its bristles extended to not extended. This is achieved by repositioning the
center section of the Floor Cleaner. You will see in this center section there
are 2 finger grip cut outs which enable you to remove the section
completely. Once removed, rotate the section through 180˚ and re-locate it
in the Floor Cleaner. You will see the position of the bristles has changed.
Fitting the Bonnet (31) to the Floor Cleaner (27)
To fit the Bonnet, open the two yellow clips. Lay the Bonnet on a flat
surface and place the Floor Cleaner in the center of the Bonnet.
Fold the Bonnet around the Floor Cleaner with the nap facing
outwards and secure it in position by re-fixing the clips in place,
making sure the Bonnet is pulled tight over the face of the Floor Cleaner.
Used correctly the Floor Cleaner will refresh and brighten your floor by removing surface grime, pet
hairs etc. It is not a dirt extraction system, so it cannot remove deep stains or grease. Before using
the Floor Cleaner, use a vacuum to pick up the larger dirt and grit particles. If there are stains on the
carpet, pause for a few seconds to allow the steam to penetrate but do not use excessive steam as
this could result in watermarking or permanent staining.
IMPORTANT - When cleaning hard floors there may be a small residue of water that will ultimately
evaporate. If preferred, use a dry cloth attached to the Floor Cleaner
(steamer turned off) and wipe area dry.
DO NOT SOAK THE SURFACE! - Glide the Floor Cleaner over the surface.
It is generally better and easier, to pull rather than push the head across
heavy pile carpets. Do not scrub the surface unless this is on tiles or stone.
Used Bonnets can be washed out and re-used. Spare Bonnets are available
from Earlex Inc or you can make your own using Terry Toweling material.