Revolutionary feature integration – Eaton Electrical Powerware 9390 User Manual
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The Powerware 9390 UPS is a double-conversion
UPS that resolves all utility power problems and
supplies clean, continuous, uninterruptible power
to all connected equipment.
Efficiency and power
factor control for
optimum performance
The Powerware 9390
operates at a high
efficiency of up to 94 per
cent, which reduces utility
costs and extends battery
run times. Higher system
efficiency produces cooler
operating conditions,
which reduces facility air
conditioning cost, extends
the life of UPS components,
and increases overall
reliability, availability, and
A new input circuit design
keeps input current THD
low and input power
factor near unity without
compromising overall
efficiency. As a result, the
Powerware 9390 allows
maximum transfer of power
between power source
and protected load and is
exceptionally compatible
with multiple power
sources, especially auxiliary
generators. On the output
side, the ultra high speed
switching Pulse Width
Modulation (PWM) inverter
enables the Powerware
9390 to provide its full rated
power capability to the load
whether the load power
factor is 0.9 lagging, unity,
or 0.9 leading.
Hot Sync—unbreakable
Eaton’s Hot Sync parallels
two or more UPS units.
Units are capable of load
sharing without the need
for communications
wiring, hitherto the most
vulnerable point of failure
in all UPS systems. Each
Powerware module has
the ability to synchronise
and support the critical
load independently of the
other modules. Thus all
critical loads are supported
by UPS-grade power,
whatever maintenance
needs—scheduled or
unscheduled—should arise.
Hot Sync—redundant is
an N+1 module system
allowing full maintenance
to be performed on all
modules and the parallel
cabinet without the need
for an external maintenance
bypass and without having
to remove the critical load
from conditioned power.
Sync Control gives
reliable downstream
The Sync Control function
maintains UPS output in
sync with the external
power source or another
independent source. This
ensures the permanent
synchronisation of two
independent UPS systems
when the reference source
at the bypass input is
absent. Sync Control
enables the independent
operation of both UPS
units without introducing
a single point of failure.
This provides synchronous
transfer capabilities to
downstream load transfer
design offers the highest
protection possible
The double-conversion
design completely isolates
output power from all
input power anomalies
and delivers 100-per cent
conditioned, perfect sine-
wave output—regulating
both voltage and frequency.
Voltage is constantly held
within two per cent of
nominal specification for
linear loads and within
three per cent for nonlinear
loads. This makes the 9390
ideal for equipment that
is particularly sensitive to
voltage fluctuations. In the
event of a utility power
failure, there is no delay
transferring to backup
Hot Sync Redundancy/Capacity - 4 x UPS with integral static switch