Loop supply introduction – Emerson Process Management ControlWave MICRO User Manual
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Bristol’s ControlWave Loop Power Supply (herein referred to as the “Loop Supply”),
provides regulated and isolated 24Vdc power outputs that can be used to power field
devices such as transmitters or non-isolated I/O circuits that are used in conjunction with
ControlWave MICRO, EFM, GFC, Express or Express PAC units. Encapsulated Loop
Supply’s, i.e., those with the printed circuit board (PCB) secured to a Power Supply Back
Plate Bracket and protected by a Power Supply Board Cover, may be mounted directly to a
panel or to a 35mm DIN Rail while the PCB only version can be Snap Track mounted.
Loop Supply’s provide 24Vdc field power distribution via four pairs of wiring terminals
provided on Terminal Block TB2. Additionally, Loop Supply’s are user configured via
Jumper JP1 to operate in conjunction with either a nominal bulk 12Vdc input (with an
input range of +9 to +30Vdc) or a nominal bulk 24Vdc input (with an input range of +19 to
+30Vdc). Loop Supply’s have been designed to provide the following features:
• 4 Loop Power Terminals pairs provide field device wiring flexibility and con-
• 9 - 30 Vdc bulk power input range accommodated installation flexibility
• Bulk power input can be applied to either of the three-terminal connectors (with one
Terminal Block accommodating input wiring while the other may accommodate non-
isolated power pass-through that is used to power the ControlWave MICRO
(Process Automation Controller), ControlWave EFM (Electronic Flow Meter)
ControlWave GFC (Gas Flow Computer), Express (Remote Terminal Unit), or
Express PAC (Process Automation Controller/Remote Terminal Unit).
• Direct Panel, 35mm DIN Rail or Snap Track Mounting accommodated
• Small size minimizes panel space requirements
Loop Supply components that the user should become familiar with are discussed herein.
These components include Connectors TB1, TB2 and TB3, Configuration Jumper JP1, the
Power LED, and Fuse F1.
• Terminal Blocks
Loop Supply’s are provided with three Terminal Blocks which accommodate up to #16 AWG
size wire. Terminal Block Connections are provided in Tables 1 and 2.
Terminal Block TB1 typically acts as the interface for the bulk 9 to 30 Vdc input power. In
some cases, TB1 may be used as the bulk dc power pass-through interface to an associated
RTU in lieu of Terminal Block TB3. It should be noted that TB1 & TB3 can be used for
Input Power or Power Pass-through with one accommodating input while the other may
accommodate pass-through, e.g. if TB1 was used to interface bulk Input Power, than TB3
could be used to accommodate Power Pass-through, or vise versa.