Vegetable group fruit group – Escali Cibo User Manual

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Vegetable Group

Fruit Group

325 Apples, raw, with skin
326 Apples, raw, peeled
327 Apples, dried
328 Apples, stewed with added sugar
329 Apples, stewed without added sugar
330 Applesauce, canned, sweetened
331 Applesauce, canned, unsweetened
332 Apricots, raw
333 Apricots, canned, halves, fruit & liquids, heavy syrup
334 Apricots, canned, halves, fruit & liquids,juice pack
335 Apricots, dried, sulfured
336 Asian pears, raw
337 Avocados, raw, without skin & seed
338 Bananas, raw, whole
339 Blackberries, raw
340 Blackberries, canned, heavy syrup
341 Blueberries, raw
342 Blueberries, frozen, sweetened
343 Carambola (starfruit), raw
344 Cherries, sour, red, pitted, canned, water pack
345 Cherries, sweet, raw, without pits & stems
346 Cherry pie filling, canned
347 Cranberries, dried, sweetened
348 Cranberry sauce, sweetened, canned
349 Currants, dried
350 Dates without pits, whole
351 Figs, dried

352 Fruit cocktail, canned, fruit & liquid, heavy syrup
353 Fruit cocktail, canned, fruit & liquid, juice pack
354 Grapefruit, raw without peel,membrane & seeds,

pink or red

355 Grapefruit, raw without peel,membrane & seeds, white
356 Grapefruit, raw without peel,menbrane & seeds,

canned, light syrup

357 Grapes, seedless, raw
358 Kiwi fruit, raw, without skin
359 Lemons, raw, without skin
360 Lemon juice, raw
361 Lemon juice, canned or bottled, unsweetened
362 Lime juice, raw
363 Lime juice, canned, unsweetened
364 Mandarin oranges, light syrup
365 Mangos, raw, without skin & seed, whole
366 Maraschino Cherries, canned, drained
367 Melon,Cantaloupe, wedge without rind
368 Melon,Honeydew, wedge without rind
369 Nectarines, raw
370 Oranges, raw, without peel & seeds
371 Olives, pickled, green
372 Olives, canned,ripe, black
373 Papayas, raw
374 Peaches, raw
375 Peaches, canned, heavy syrup
376 Peaches, canned, juice pack

314 Canned, paste
315 Canned, sauce
316 Canned, stewed

317 Turnips, cooked, cubed
318 Turnip greens, raw, cooked, drained
319 Turnip greens, frozen, cooked, drained
320 Vegetable juice, cocktail, canned
321 Vegetables, mixed, canned, drained
322 Vegetables, mixed, frozen; cooked, drained
323 Waterchestnuts, canned, slices, solids, liquid
324 Yam, cooked, broiled, drained, or baked

Sweet potatoes

305 Cooked, baked with skin
306 Boiled, without skin
307 Candied
308 Canned, syrup pack, drained


309 Raw
310 Cherry
311 Canned, solids, liquid
312 Sundried, plain
313 Tomato juice, canned, salt