Excalibur electronic 366E-2 User Manual
Page 4

Verifying the Position
In case of confusion you can check where all the men on the board should
be, according to the computer’s memory. This is possible at any time when
it is the start of your turn. Press the key marked VERIFY, and the display
will show the quantity of pieces on each occupied square. The first
number in the display will be the piece location and the second number will
be the quantity of pieces at that location. The white square will indicate
your pieces and the computer pieces will be identified by a dark square.
Example: 02 4 This indicates that there are 4 men on point number 2.
Taking Back moves
Sometimes, after you have completed your move on the board, you realize
that it was a mistake and would like to take it back. You may do so, even if
the computer has already made its reply move. To take back your move
press the key marked TAKE BACK display will now show the “From” and
“To” points of a man you have just moved. Now play your previous moves
in reverse. To take back the computers move simply press take back again
and retract the computers moves as described in the display. Once you
have taken back the move just press ROLL DICE to make your next new
move. This feature allows you to take back up to 2 moves. If you are using
the auto dice roller, you have to take back the computers move first then
y o u r s .
M e m o r y
If a game has to be interrupted, press the OFF/SAVE key. You can do this
anytime as long as it is the start of your turn and you have completed the
computers last move. The computer then switches off, but will still retain
the current position in its memory for while using a minimum of current.
The game will be stored for the life of your batteries which can be up to
several months. If you remove your batteries from your game or press the
ACL you will reset all stored memory and scores on your computer. When
you press ON/RECALL, the computer switches on and the position is just
the same as before. You may wish to verify the position before you
continue play.
Identification of Keys
SCORE - Pressing this key once will show you a white box and your score.
This score can be negative if you have lost more points than the computer.
The maximum score is 999 and the lowest score is -999. This score is the
total for the cube for all games you have played. Pressing this key a second
time will result in your rating being displayed. Rating score evaluation are
as follows:
500 to 1000
B e g i n n e r
1001 to 1500
I n t e r m e d i a t e
1501 to 2000
A d v a n c e d
2001to 2200
E x p e r t
2201 and up
C h a m p i o n
On level 8, the machines rating is assumed to be 1536. On level 1 the
computer’s rating is assumed to be 640. The computer recomputes your
rating after every game depending on the level, cube value, and your
established rating before the game. At the end of a game you can have your
new rating and score displayed once you have pressed NEW GAME.
WON [games]
This key displays the number of games you have won.
PLAYED [games]
This key shows the number of games you have played.
This key shows the number of Gammons you have made against the
computer. Pressing more than once will show the number of Gammons
the computer has made.
This key shows the number of Backgammons you have made against the
computer. Pressing it once more will show you the number of
backgammons the computer has made.
You press this key to have the computer roll the dice for you. Please note
that your computer uses a random roll generator to roll the dice. Even
though sometimes it may seem that some combinations of rolls may seem
bizarre, every roll is random. The computer will never cheat on the dice
roll. If you do not like the random roller then you are free to use the dice
included with your game.