Ecom Instruments Ex-Handy 05 User Manual
Page 7

Hold down: Switch on/off.
In a call context: Reject a call - hang up
In menus: Return to initial screen
Long press: Activate/Deactivate hands-free mode (Warning:
In this mode do not bring the phone up to your ear.) (This could
cause damage to your hearing). In a call context: Call - receiving a call
Right programmable key:
In initial screen: two short presses: access to Inbox;
long press: access to network settings
In menus: access to the selection shown on screen in the tab(*)
Left programmable key:
In initial screen: two short presses: access to Phonebook, access to Bluetooth,
long press: activate/deactivate the alarm
In menus: Access to the selection shown on screen in the tab(*)
The four-directional navigation stick allows you to:
- Move the cursor on the screen by pushing the stick toward the
corresponding direction
- Confirm your selection by pressing the stick
- In initial screen: Pressing and holding the button to the left
(depending on model):
access to tasks in the form of speech; pressing and holding the button to the
right: access to calendar.
(*) In this manual, when a function is chosen by pressing on this key, square
brackets are used (e.g.: [Save]).
Note: When the and icons appear on the screen, access to the corresponding
option is initiated via the navigation stick
Press briefly and [OK]: activate or deactivate keypad locking
When composing a message: Short press: switches from one input mode to
another (T9, ABC, 23); Long press: upper case/lower case