Operations, Powering up the switcher, Creating a set of ties – Extron electronic MVX 88 Series User Manual

Page 24: Preliminar y, Operation, cont’d

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Operation, cont’d

MVX 44 / 48 / 84 / 88 VGA Matrix Switchers • Operation





The following paragraphs detail the power-up process and then provide

sample procedures for creating ties, sets of ties, and configurations; changing

a configuration; viewing ties, sets of ties, and configurations; saving a preset;

recalling a preset; viewing and adjusting the audio level; and selecting the front

panel security lockout.

Powering up the switcher



Plug in the switcher. On all switcher models, power is automatically applied

when the power cord is connected to an AC source. When AC power is

applied, the switcher performs a self-test and initialization that sequences the

front panel LEDs on and off from left to right. A successful power up self-test

and initialization leaves the power LED on, the Video and Audio LEDs on,

and all other LEDs off.

The current configuration, all presets, and all input audio levels are saved

in non-volatile memory within 5 seconds of a change or exiting Audio Setup

mode. When power is applied, the most recent configuration is retrieved.

The previous presets remain intact.


Wait at least 5 seconds after changing any configuration, saving a preset, or


Audio Setup mode. Before 5 seconds have elapsed, changes that you

have made may not have been saved.

If an error occurs during the self-test, the switcher locks up and does not

operate. If your switcher locks up on power-up, call the Extron S


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Plug in all system components and turn on the input devices (such as

computers or HDTV set-top boxes) and the output devices.



Set the input devices to output video using each device’s own operating




Create a tie (see below). The selected input image should appear at the

selected output. If no image appears, see “Troubleshooting” on page 3-26.

Creating a set of ties

You can create a set of ties, changing the current configuration, by using the front

panel buttons. Change the current configuration as follows:



Select to configure video, audio, or both by pressing the I/O button as




Select the desired input and output(s) by pressing the input and output




Press and release the Enter button.



Repeat steps 1 through 3 to create additional ties until the desired

configuration is complete.


• Only one video input and one audio input can be tied to an output.

• If a tie is made between an input and an output, and the selected output was

previously tied to another input, the older tie is broken in favor of the newer

• Output LEDs light when an input is selected to indicate current ties. Press

and release the associated output buttons to clear unwanted outputs.

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