Linkskey LDV-DM712AUSK User Manual
Page 2

Quick Reference Sheet
Applicable models: LDV-DM712AUSK / LDV-DM714AUSK Dual Monitor DVI KVM Switch w/ Audio&Mic
Rev. 1.7 Copyright© All rights reserved
Q u i c k
R e f e r e n c e S h e e t
2/4-port Dual Monitor DVI KVM Switch w/ 7.1 surround sound support -- Operation Commands for Hotkeys / Front-Panel Buttons
Hotkey sequence = [ScrLk]
+ [ScrLk]
+ Command key(s)
* User-definable Preceding sequence = SCROLL LOCK, CAPS, ESC, F12 or NUM LOCK
Front-panel Buttons
Select PC Channel
(Joint-select PC port/hub port control/audio&mic,
if binding is enabled)
ScrLk + ScrLk + (x)
(x is a top-row number key)
x = 1~2 / x = 1~2 for PC channel no
Press the corresponding button to select the active PC
Select the active PC channel
(Joint-select PC port/hub port control/audio&mic , if binding is
Select Hub Port Control
(Joint-select PC & Hub port control, if binding is enabled)
ScrLk + ScrLk + (Fx)
For hub ports (the bottom two USB hub ports)
Fx = F1~F2 / Fx = F1~F4 ; Fx is a function key ;
x = 1~2/ x = 1~4 for PC channel no
(Press the corresponding button to select the specific
PC+USB hub port control --works only if PC port/hub
port control binding enabled)
Select the PC channel that control all USB hub ports
(Joint-select PC & Hub port control, if PC/hub port control binding
is enabled)
Select Audio&Mic Channel
(Joint-select PC port & audio/mic , if binding is enabled)
ScrLk + ScrLk + (Fy)
Fy = F5~F6/ Fy = F5~F8 ; Fy is a function key ;
y = 5~6/ y = 5~8 for audio channel no
Select the active Audio&Mic channel
(Joint-select PC & audio&mic channel, if binding is enabled)
Bind PC & Hub Port Control Switching
ScrLk + ScrLk + Z
Enable the binding of PC port and hub port control switching. (Once
this feature is enabled, any pc and/or hub port control switching is
bound together) (factory default)
Unbind PC & Hub Port Control Switching
ScrLk + ScrLk + X
Disable the binding of PC port and hub port control switching
Bind PC & Device Port Control Switching
ScrLk + ScrLk + D
Enable the binding of PC port and DEVICE port control switching.
(Once this feature is enabled, any pc and/or DEVICE port control
switching is bound together) (factory default)
Unbind PC & Device Port Control Switching
ScrLk + ScrLk + F
Disable the binding of PC port and DEVICE port control switching
Select Device Port Control
(Joint-select PC & Device port control, if binding is enabled)
ScrLk + ScrLk + (Fz)
Fz = F9~F10 / Fz = F9~F12 ; Fx is a function key ;
z =9~10/ x =9~12 for PC channel no
Select the PC channel that control the DEVICE port
(Joint-select PC & DEVICE port control, if PC/DEVICE port control
binding is enabled)
Bind PC & Audio/Mic Switching
ScrLk + ScrLk + Q
Enable the binding of PC port and audio&mic switching. (Once this
feature is enabled, any pc and/or audio&mic switching is bound
together) (factory default)
Unbind PC & Audio/Mic Switching
ScrLk + ScrLk + W
Disable the binding of PC port and audio&mic switching
Next lower PC channel
(Joint-select PC /hub port control/audio&mic,
if binding is enabled)
ScrLk + ScrLk + ↑ (arrow up)
Select the next lower connected PC channel
(Joint-select PC/hub port control/audio&mic, if binding is enabled)
Next higher PC channel
(Joint-select PC /hub port control/audio&mic,
if binding is enabled)
ScrLk + ScrLk + ↓ (arrow down)
Select the next higher connected PC channel
(Joint-select PC/hub port control/audio&mic , if binding is enabled)
Previous PC channel
ScrLk + ScrLk + (Backspace)
Toggle between the previous channel and current channel
Beep Sound On/Off
ScrLk + ScrLk + B
Toggle on/off the beep sound while autoscanning
Define Hotkey Preceding Sequence
ScrLk + ScrLk + H + (y)
Press and hold down last button (Button 2) till two
beeps, release the button, then press (y) key
Select the hotkey preceding sequence among 5 alternative keys
ScrLk + ScrLk + S
Autoscan through every connected channel for quick screen
browsing of each channel (scan delay = 5 sec.).
Autoscan with Programmable Delay Time
ScrLk + ScrLk + S + (z)
z = 0~9
1 10” ; 2 20” ; 3 30” ; 4 40” ; 5 50”
6 60” ; 7 70” ; 8 80” ; 9 90” ; 0 100”
Autoscan with a user-defined delay time within a range of
10 ~ 100 seconds
Stop Autoscan
Press any key on keyboard
Press any button
Terminate Autoscan activity
1. The USB keyboard hotkeys allows you a faster and broader control for your KVM switching operation in addition to the front-panel buttons. If you have configured a hotkey preceding sequence other than two consecutive scroll locks, you should
change your hotkey sequence accordingly.(For preceding sequence key configuration, please refer to Quick Installation Guide)
2. When the binding of PC & USB hub port control switching is enabled by the hotkey sequence: ScrLk + ScrLk + Z, any PC and hub port control switching are bound together. To remove this binding, use the hotkey sequence: ScrLk + ScrLk + X.
3. When the binding of PC & Audio&Mic switching is enabled by the hotkey sequence: ScrLk + ScrLk + Q, any PC and audio&mic switching are bound together. To remove this binding, use the hotkey sequence: ScrLk + ScrLk + W.
LED Information: Green LED indicates PC port status: solid green – active port; flashing green – PC not connected; Red LED indicates hub port control status: solid red – that PC has the control of all hub ports.
Important Note: The USB hub control status LED (red) indicates not the connected status of each USB device, but indicates which PC port has the control of all hub ports and their connected devices. For example, when USB LED 1 is lit, it means PC port 1 has
the current control of all hub ports and their connected USB devices.